15. Tides of Change

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That morning you were awoken by a rather energetic Zelda. She'd already ushered you awake by pulling the blinds open, filling the room with sunlight that overpowered the light of the blue lamps. You tried to blink some of the sleep from your eyes as you watched her scamper around the room, getting ready.

"We've got some rather important tasks ahead of us, _____. Fixing the Divine Beast will be no easy feat, and I can't quite imagine what's wrong with its mechanics. I searched through all of Mipha's notes last night, and even through other books and records that made mention of Vah Ruta, but I couldn't find a single thing about a shortage of energy," she explained as she changed into some clothing the servants had left.

You slid out of the bed, cringing as your bare feet met the cold stone floor of the room. You stood and walked over to the drawers, debating in your head whether or not you should put on the same outfit as yesterday or try your hand at some of the Zora clothing. You pulled out a soft deep blue tunic and examined it thoughtfully before the princess quickly caught your attention once more.

"Well," she began, pulling her braided hair back as she looked up at you, "I'm going to head down to the library and grab Mipha's journal, just in case it does offer us some help. Why don't you go and find Sidon and we can all meet up in the plaza in roughly twenty minutes."

You nodded your head curtly in response and she gave you a sincere smile before stepping out of the room. Once she was out of the room you shrugged off the robe you'd fallen asleep in. You took a quick minute to wash up in the pool of water in the room, using your nails to scrub at your skin and get off any grime and dirt and sweat that'd built up during your journey from Kakariko to Zora's Domain.

Once out of the pool, you grabbed a towel from a stack that'd been laid out in the room, savoring the soft feel of the fabric as you dried off and walked back over to the drawers of clothing. You pulled on the blue tunic you'd been looking at earlier, careful not to mess up your hair too much. You found a pair of pants in the drawers as well that were similar to leggings- they would've been very form fitting if you wore them, likely to make swimming easier since the fabric felt like it could be worn in water.

You tugged on those pants and afterward put your boots on as well. You took a few moments to fix your hair and make it presentable, merely using your hands to do so since there was no brush or comb in the room.

Once satisfied with your general appearance you walked over to the bag of items you'd brought along with you and pulled out a chest piece- the Zora Armor that'd been gifted to you weeks prior. You put it on over the tunic you were wearing, making sure each part was secure. You felt confident in this armor, it had significant value to you.

After defeating Ganon you looked at this armor differently. Previously it was a piece of armor you wore rarely- in fact, you'd only worn it once when you and Sidon were trying to calm Vah Ruta so you could board it. You hadn't put it on since, even after Cotera repaired and upgraded it.

Then the armor had been a mystery to you. Something from your past that you knew next to nothing about. It was made by a girl who loved you- Princess Mipha, one of your best friends who fought by your side until her bitter end. You lost her to Ganon.

But now Ganon was gone and your memories had returned to you. You saw the armor she crafted for you in a new light. You'd avenged her- along with the three other champions and practically all of Hyrule. You could wear this armor in confidence now, knowing that when you wore it you wore it for her.

You may not have loved Mipha in the same way she loved you but she was still one of your best friends, even now that she'd passed. But her soul was at rest now, and even you knew that she would've never been happy if you carried guilt with you.

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