47. Confession

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This one required some rewrites. It's dialogue-heavy but a very very very important part of the transition from BOTW to TOTK

Hope y'all like it :)

CW: uhhh implied smut? there isn't any, but it's vaguely alluded to


You feel your heart hammer in your chest. "A guest?" you repeat, this time aloud. As you reach your hand out toward the door knob you feel yourself hesitate. 'Is it Sidon? Has he come to visit me?'

However, once you open the door you don't find a Zora prince nearly twice your height. Instead, you come face to face with a fellow Hylian, whose broad bare chest and curly hair have become all too familiar to you. "Tauro!" you gasp, putting a smile on your face as you attempt to mask the momentary disappointment you feel.

"What are you doing here?" you ask, shutting the door of the laboratory behind you, "wait- sorry, that sounded rude. You just don't typically come to the landing."

The pair of you walk side by side down the stairs and into the center of the fortress. A handful of your soldiers-in-training spot you and eagerly greet you, bidding you a good afternoon. You can't help but notice some of the Hylian women staring at your companion and whispering amongst themselves. The sun is high in the sky at this point of the day and you have to shield your eyes from its light to look up at the man before you.

"Actually, I came here to meet with Princess Zelda," he explains, "it's about the exploration of the old Zonai ruins. With all of the old Sheikah technology dismantled she and I were discussing the formation of a proper team to perform surveys."

"That sounds exciting, getting to run around Hyrule," you grin, "would it only be you?"

He shakes his head, "no, I'd look to hire researchers. There seems to be a wealth of interested parties eager to do some scientific work."

"I would hope so," a third voice pipes up, "after all, there's always room for more historical discoveries."

You turn and see the princess, who grins at the both of you. In her arms, she holds a pile of scrolls, with seals that you recognize from the old library in Hyrule Castle. At some point over the last few months, she must have made a trip to the archives. "I actually have some exciting news, I found some records in the private collection of the king's study," she explains, lifting up the parchments in her hands, "though the text is faded, I believe they have second-hand accounts on the Zonai!"

Tauro and Zelda begin to excitedly chatter back and forth about the ancient civilization. There's a smile on your face as you watch, finding something so charming in their passion. Tauro especially, who seems otherwise nonchalant, truly comes out in full force at any mention of the Zonai.

As they speak you glance down at your gloves, idly fidgeting with the leather. There was a nasty feeling twisting in your gut that you attempted to ignore. A small, wriggling sense of jealousy about their passion and excitement. It was ridiculous to be envious of such a thing, and you knew that. 'I'm still just sad about yesterday, no need to be upset with my friends.'

You're pulled out of your thoughts by a sudden declaration.

"Then it's decided," the princess decides, "from now on, Tauro, you shall be the leader of the Zonai Survey Team. You have my full permission to excavate any site of ancient ruins, so long as it is safe of course. You also may begin recruiting other researchers into your ranks."

The Hylian man is overjoyed about this news, a beaming grin making its way onto his face.

"Tauro, that's amazing!" you congratulate him, and squeak when he pulls you into a tight hug that practically lifts you off of the ground. It pulls laughter out of you, laughter which just minutes prior you couldn't have imagined doing. "Tauro-" you say flustered between your giggles, "you're making me look bad in front of my soldiers!"

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