18. Revisiting Ruta

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After a few moments of discussion and planning, you're ready and have a way to board the Divine Beast. Luckily, Dunma had brought rope with her, so you were going to somehow get up into the Divine Beast and then lower the rope to let the others inside.

While you were gathering up the rope, Zelda approached you holding the Sheikah Slate. "I think you should take this while we're inside of Ruta, you know the inside of the Divine Beast better than the rest of us," she says, holding it out for you to take.

You smile as you grasp the slate in your hands, hooking it onto your belt before turning your attention back to Ruta. Your eyes flicked around, trying to spot an entryway. There was an opening quite a few feet up, and if you could somehow land on the platform you could use the rope to bring everyone else up.

"Alright, I've got an idea," you announced, which made everyone turn to look at you, "When I appeased the Divine Beast Vah Medoh I spoke to the spirit of the Champion Revali. Like how Mipha gifted me her healing powers, Revali gifted me his ability to create updrafts. He called it Revali's Gale. I can use my paraglider and create an updraft to soar up to that opening up there. I'll see if the platform is wide enough and if it is we can use the rope for everyone else to get up there."

The group agreed with you on the plan and soon stood away from you so that you'd have space to create the updraft. You unfurled your paraglider that you'd stowed away in your bag of items and focused momentarily, trying to tap into the powers that Revali had given you weeks ago. You let out a breath of air and crouched near the ground. Suddenly, you felt wind kick up around you and a grin made its way to your face.

You jumped up, opening the paraglider above you and within seconds you were soaring up into the air. An excited whoop passed your lips as you steadied yourself, gliding forward towards the Divine Beast. You land on the platform you'd spotted before, tucking the paraglider away and balancing on the titled incline.

Luckily, the tilt of the Divine Beast wasn't as severe as you thought it would be. The group you were with would be able to easily walk around the first floor of Ruta, but traversing the two floors above that would likely be a bit trickier.

You turn and spot the pedestal you'd used the first time your boarded Ruta a few weeks ago, the one you could scan the Sheikah Slate with. You tie the rope around the pedestal, making sure the knot is good and tight before walking to the edge of the platform and tossing the other end of the rope off.

"It's safe up here! Go ahead and climb up," you yell, peeking over the edge to see the other six waiting for you.

"Brilliant, _____!" Sidon cheers, tugging on the end of the rope to test its strength, "we'll be up in a few moments, just make sure the rope stays secure!"

You nod and give him a thumbs-up, backing up to stand beside the pedestal and watch the rope. It takes a few moments, but eventually, the first person to join you on the platform is Zelda. You help her get on and find her balance, but the whole time she's looking up at the Divine Beast with an excited smile on her face.

"I haven't been inside one of the Divine Beast in well... a hundred years! And when I was on the Divine Beasts it was to help the Champions learn how to pilot them," she explained to you with a smile, clapping her hands together as she peered inside.

The next person to climb up the rope was Dunma, followed closely by Tottika and Rivan. After that was Bazz, who had a bit more difficulty since he found it hard to grip onto the rope. The last person to climb the rope was, of course, Sidon, and you looked over the edge to watch as he climbed up.

"You know young one, it's not exactly easy for a Zora to do this. Our hands don't behave the same way as a Hylian's," he says to you as he sidles up, and you giggle a bit watching him slide down the rope for a split second, "Also, I'm sure you've noticed, but I'm also quite a... big Zora as well, so it's harder to pull up my own weight."

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