9. A Sweet Farewell

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You fixed yourself up, pulling on some of the nicer Hylian armor you'd bought back in Kakariko Village. You paused when your eyes caught the Zora armor and picked it up, inspecting the damage. The shoulder pads and gloves made with dragon scales held up strongly, as one would expect. But the waterproof fabric that made up the majority of the clothing was torn and ripped up in several places.

'Hmm... maybe I should pay Cotera a visit...' you pondered, tucking the armor away in your supply bag. Cotera was a Great Fairy you'd awoken just outside of Kakariko with an offering of one hundred rupees. You think that at first, she was a bit peeved that you weren't a male explorer, as she'd likely been hoping for. But she couldn't deny the rupees, and when you told her the story of your quest she seemed rather excited to help. She'd upgraded and repaired some of your armor at no cost and asked you to awaken her three other sisters, all of whom were scattered around Hyrule.

Once you felt satisfied with how you looked, you gathered your things and walked out. You had to blink a few times for your eyes to adjust to the sunlight as the room you'd just been in was much darker in comparison.

Sidon, true to his word, was waiting outside your door. "Are you all prepared? I talked to the head nurse and informed her about the healing you performed on yourself, so you're now permitted to leave the medical ward," he explained to you, a smile on his face as he gazed down at you, "Now then, shall we head up to meet with my father?"

You nodded your head and smiled back at him, and next thing you knew the two of you were walking side by side out of the ward. As you walked, you realized Zora's Domain was bigger than you'd previously thought. There were more layers to the palace beneath the throne room, such as a dining hall, bedchambers, a meeting room for the council, and of course the medical ward.

Curious about the rest of the domain, you looked up at Sidon and asked him about it. "Where do the rest of the Zora sleep? I know you and your dad have chambers here in the palace, but what about everyone else?" you wondered aloud, quirking an eyebrow as you tried to think about it.

"Oh, well in various places. Some Zora live underwater below the main architecture of the domain," he began, pointing over the ledge as the two of you walked up a set of stairs. Peering over and squinting your eyes, you nodded your head once you could see faint outlines of apparent homes in the lake. "A fair amount of our people have chambers here in the palace. The councilmen and councilwomen and their families live here, along with servants and the guard."

The rest of the walk up was mostly quiet with little bits of chatter sprinkled in here and there. You felt as though something was off about Sidon though. He normally talked more- much more than he was right now, and in the corner of your eye, you could see him peeking glances at you every few moments. You could tell he wanted to talk about something or ask you about something. But you weren't going to pry, at least not right now. You could leave things like that for after you've beaten Calamity Ganon.

After a few minutes, the two of you reached the top of the staircases that served as an entrance to the throne room, and you were caught off guard. A crowd of Zora was stood in front of the king, from young children to the elder council members. Once King Dorephan saw you stood there, he raised his hand to ask you to come forward. The crowd parted for you, everyone now looking at you expectantly. Smiling at them all a little nervously, you walked up and stood before the king as he had asked of you.

"_____! You did well to survive your trial! I have been awaiting your return!" he greeted you heartily, a wide grin on his face as he spoke. 'Well, I've found out where Sidon gets that smile from.' "The violent downpour has disappeared, as has the threat to Zora's Domain! It is all little more than a bad dream now. Thanks to your efforts, there is no longer any danger of a great flood laying waste to Hyrule! You appeased the Divine Beast Vah Ruta and thusly saved Zora's Domain! We are all truly grateful! What you did for us is more than we could have ever expected of you."

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