49. Farewell

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Well, here we are! Last chapter of this story! I'd like to thank everyone who has read, liked a chapter, wrote a comment. It's been a thrilling 5 year journey since I started this story. I think my writing skills have improved substantially ever since I posted the first chapter on AO3 wayyy back when

Very excited to move on to Tears of the Kingdom after this :)


The newspaper crumples in your grasp at such speed that it makes the soldiers in front of you flinch with surprise. You blink your eyes as you feel your heart begin to race in your chest. It all makes sense. The whispering, the gossip, the sinking feeling you'd been having since you awoke.

One of the soldiers attempts to speak up, "umm... captain-"

"Take the day off," you quickly interrupt him, voice tense as you fold the newspaper once more.

The trainees all seem confused. "What do you mean?" another asks.

"Take the day off," you repeat, stressing each syllable as the words come out of your mouth like a hiss, "sleep, go fishing, take a hike- I don't care! If anyone asks for me, tell them I left on a trip."

Before any of them can ask you further questions you climb up the ladder and stomp your way over to the laboratory. No one attempts to bother you, a very clear aura of negative energy emanating from you as you march through the fortress. Once inside you grab a bag and begin to pack the necessities for a day of travel.

On the paper is spare parchment and ink. In quick, messy handwriting you leave a note for the princess to explain your sudden absence. Various ink blotches stain the page from how your hands shake as you scrawl across the paper.

Digging through your belongings you grab the final few things you need before you storm out the door, slinging the travel pack over your shoulder. At the mini-stable Persephone seems to notice your anger as she nervously slides her hooves on the ground as you strap the saddle onto her. As you secure all of the buckles you can hear faint whispering from the nearby shop.

"... can you believe it? That Zora prince is engaged!" "Yeah, and _____ looks pissed about it, do you think she knew?" "Serves her right, it says here in the newspaper that the engagement was arranged years ago. The knight's been flirting with a taken man." "What, no way! How scandalous!"

You turn your head and glare daggers at the gossipers, who turn out to be a Hylian man and woman. The pair seem visibly embarrassed when they realize you've overheard them but neither dare to attempt to apologize to you. They simply turn their heads the other way and lower their voices. You fight the tears that threaten to well in your eyes as you grab your horse's reins and guide her out of the fortress.

Persephone gallops at breakneck speeds as you push her to her limits, faster than you've ever made her in the past. With one hand you cling to her saddle and with the other, you wipe away the tears that won't stop spilling down your face. Your steed dashes across the many bridges that connect the roads between Central Hyrule and the Lanaryu Region.

This couldn't be happening. You couldn't bring yourself to believe it. All of this time waiting, pining, aching, hoping, wishing, praying- all for him to be taken from you in the end. Was it some kind of joke you weren't in on? A prank everyone was playing on you? Were the goddesses laughing at you from up above, treating you like a pawn in the game they played with the universe?

Would you show up in Zora's Domain and be the laughingstock of the region? Being belittled for ever believing you had a chance to be with their prince? Or would no one even acknowledge your presence, treating you as if you were empty air?

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