14. Odd Sense of Nostalgia

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A few minutes later you were stuffed with various seafood- crab cakes, sauteed fish, escargot, fish and rice bowls. A happy and content sigh passed your lips as you sank back into your seat, but the sounds of laughter made you perk up immediately.

"What're you two laughing at?" you asked in an accusatory manner, glancing over at the two who sat across from you at the table. Princess Zelda was giggling softly as she sipped on some water, and Sidon chuckled quietly as he looked down at your slumped form.

He set down the plate he had been eating from and cleaned his hands with a pleated napkin that had been laid out by one of the servants. "Young one, we merely find your antics humorous. Well, I do believe each of us has finished our meals, is there anything the two of you would like to see in particular?"

Zelda quickly perked up, a little smile on her face that you knew signified she had an idea. "Well, a few times when I visited to meet with Mipha I spent time in the library of the palace... could you maybe show me where it is, Sidon? I have some reading I'd like to do, I remember Mipha had penned a journal stowed in the library that held everything she'd learned about Vah Ruta before the Calamity," she explained, setting her glass down as she glanced over at the prince.

"Oh, of course," he replied, his eyes lighting up a bit at the mention, "we could use her notes to try and solve the issue with the Divine Beast tomorrow, I'm sure it could prove quite useful. Maybe it has a solution to possible energy shortages that she may have sorted out in the past."

The two of you got up from the table, and a servant of the palace quickly came over to clean up the plates and glasses you'd left behind. Prince Sidon wasted no time in guiding you and the princess through the domain, down steps that lead beneath the throne room. You vaguely recognize these hallways from when you'd paid Sidon a visit before heading to fight Ganon on your own.

You didn't take the same path, however. At a certain point, you went down a different hallway and found yourselves in a circular room. It wasn't too big, more so the size of a study or office, but what did stand out about it was that each wall was covered in all sorts of books and rolls of parchment. More books were in stacks on the floor and piled on the table in the center of the room.

The only light in the room came from a candle in the center, making the room dim but giving a soothing atmosphere. You walked around and examined the shelves curiously. You pulled one of the books out and examined it- it was clearly very old, the spine and cover weathered from years of use and reading. You couldn't read the letters on the front very well, but even if you could you wouldn't be able to decipher what they said as the alphabet used was one you didn't recognize.

You heard a gleeful sound behind you, and you turned to see Zelda rushing around the table to one of the shelves opposite the door. She pulled out a small journal- it couldn't be more than thirty pages long, but when she set it down on the table and flipped it open, you marveled at just how much was written on each page. Mipha, who penned the book, had wasted no space, filling in each and every line and margin that she could to mark these notes down.

"Perfect. Luckily for us, the princess had some beautiful handwriting and brilliant organization, so it shouldn't be an issue to read through. I'll be here reading through this, and maybe a few other books as well. If it gets too late, come and remind me of the time, I tend to absorb myself in my studies without realizing it," Zelda explained, and you smiled as you nodded your head.

She sat herself down at the table, using the candlelight to read through the late princess' notes. You and Sidon glanced over at one another, and you shrugged your shoulders. You put the old book back on the shelf and stepped out of the room, Sidon following suit so the two of you could give Zelda some privacy.

"So..." you breathed out as you began to walk down the hallway, "How do you suggest we spend the rest of the evening?"

Sidon tapped his chin as he seemingly thought about it before a little grin found his face. "Well, I do remember your excellent marksmanship a few weeks ago, back when we first worked together to calm Ruta," he began, looking down at you with curious eyes, "I would very much like to see an example of that skill once more."

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