46. Interference

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Another chapter? Within 24 hours of the last? I was so excited to write more I just couldn't wait aha

Happy 1 year anniversary to TOTK !! And also happy mother's day :0 I'm sure at least 1 person reading this is a mom. I see u <3


"Alright fellas, we're doing laps today! Sword training's been fine, but what you lot need to work on is endurance! Let's go!"

You're stood atop one of the walls of Lookout Landing, looking down at the soldiers you were working on training. It had begun after the attack on the fortress, you'd worked with the Lucky Clover Gazette (Traysi's newspaper, which she was currently printing from her small home in Hateno Village) to put out flyers all across Hyrule. Soon you began to get people pouring into the landing searching for work and asking to be taught by you.

Now, three months later, you had a formidable set of soldiers. Many of them were showing natural skill and proving their work ethic to you by training day and night. You weren't cruel, of course, you'd allow them days of rest. You'd organized them all into separate groups and would cycle out who you'd be working with on a day-to-day basis. Admittedly you had a bias, as today's group consisted of your favorite trainee: Link.

Of all your 'students' Link was showing the most promise, immediately adept with sword fighting. After some practice, he proved to have good aim with a bow as well. You watched as he, along with the rest of his unit, jogged laps around Lookout Landing.

You hear your name be called out and turn. Peering over the edge of the wall you see Purah waving up at you. She grins, "hey champ! How goes training?"

"Well enough, once I get their lazy butts off the ground," you reply jokingly, "how about you? How's the Purah Pad coming along?"

The Purah Pad, the latest project of the small scientist. With all of the Sheikah technology being dismantled, it included the old Sheikah Slate as well. Now all of the tech was being repurposed into new machines, and the first Purah was working on was a new handheld tablet with a working map and runes.

"It's okayyy," she drawls, shrugging her shoulders, "still needs quite a bit of calibration before I even want to try testing it out. But soon I'll have it working in a snap! Oh, by the way, let your platoon know that breakfast is ready in the shelter!"

"Will do!" you shout back, giving her a thumbs up before you turn back to your soldiers.

Once they finish your laps you get their attention, letting them take a break to eat. The majority seem grateful, attempting to catch their breaths and hide how red their faces are from the running. You take count of each of them as they descend into the shelter, ensuring everyone is accounted for. The last person in line is Link who gives you a smile as he wipes the sweat off his face with his tunic.

"You alright?" you ask him, "a little jog won't put you out of commission, will it?"

He shakes his head and grins, signing back to you: I - feel - great - but - need - water.

"Better stay hydrated, soldier," you chuckle, teasingly pointing a finger at him before he descends down the ladder.

Eventually, you hop down into the shelter as well. You can't help but smile at the sound of conversation amongst all your trainees. It reminds you of when you yourself were a soldier in training for the army. You take your portion of breakfast, which today appears to be veggie rice balls and a slice of meat pie.

As you eat your lunch you idly chat. Some people ask you about your experiences as a knight, others talk to you about traveling around Hyrule. With the resident chef you ask for cooking advice, and with the shelter's nurse you arrange to place a new order for medical supplies (as some of your soldiers are more prone to injury than others).

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