19. The Princess' Plan

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You were quite happy when the journey back to Zora's Domain was less eventful than the journey up to Vah Ruta. There were no Lizalfos with shock arrows or Moblins with big clubs this time. Just a peaceful walk down the mountain as the sun began to set in the distance, casting an orange glow over the land.

Zelda had taken charge of watching over the little bird you'd found while at the Divine Beast. She carried it happily in her arms, petting it's feathers as it cooed happily in response. She hadn't thought of a name for the bird yet, but she told you that she'd think of one soon enough.

You noticed that, as you all walked back together in a group, both you and Sidon lagged in the back and walked beside each other. You were able to catch him glancing over at you many times, but he'd also catch you looking up at him as well, which made both blush and feel a bit awkward the whole way to the palace.

Eventually, though, you reached the Great Zora Bridge, and as soon as you stepped into the main entrance there were sudden excited shouts and the sound of feet running towards you.

You glance over and see the four Zora children from this morning- Tumbo, Keye, Finley, and Laruta- all running towards you from across the plaza. Tumbo is sprinting at full speed while carrying a box in his hands, and you have to catch him so he doesn't trip over his feet and drop this box of his.

"_____!_____! We have your gift!" Finley exclaimed, hopping from one foot to the other in excitement.

"It's in the box! Open it, open it!" Laruta beamed, pointing at Tumbo.

Tumbo quickly lifted the box up for you to grab it. You took it into your hands and opened it curiously, noting that both Sidon and Zelda were peering over your shoulder to see what was inside as well. You pop open the top and smile softly when you what your gift is.

It's a pie. Baked a bit crudely, no doubt the children made it on their own.

"We made you a fish pie! You gotta try it and let us know if you like it!" Finley cheered, bouncing up and down.

Gingerly, you used your hands to break off a piece of the pie. It certainly smelled good despite its appearance. You pop the bit of food into your mouth, and all four children are watching intently as you try it.

"Oh wow," you gasp, eyes going wide, "this is good. Like really good."

You weren't kidding either. You don't know how the kids did it, but they made an amazing fish pie.

"Keye baked it!" Tumbo says, pointing at his little sister who was stood behind him and blushing, "she wants to be a cook- we used some rock salt from our family's shop and Finley caught a staminoka bass in the river!"

You can tell the kids want to stay to talk to you more, but soon their parents are coming over to tell them all that it's getting late. You wave at the four as they run off to their homes before turning to Sidon and Zelda. "That Keye kid has a talent. She can work on her presentation but this is some damn good fish pie," you giggle, offering the box forward so they can each have a taste.

As the three of you snack on the pie, Bazz walks over to let you know he has to leave to finish up his duties as captain for the days, Tottika and Dunma leave to take their posts in the front of the Domain, and Rivan leaves to head home for the night.

"Well, I suppose we should head up to the throne room to speak with King Dorephan," Zelda suggests, feeding a small bit of fish to the bird, which it happily ate up.

You nod and close the box, deciding to save the rest of the pie for later. The three of you walk side by side up the stairs and towards the throne room where King Dorephan happily greets you after your day away.

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