23. The Melting Point

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Been a while huh?

,,, whoops.


You quickly run back to the tent and peek inside, gently shoving Sidon's shoulder to try and rouse him awake. The prince grumbles a little, before slowly opening his eyes and gazing around. His eyes meet yours and he gives you a very sleepy grin, which in turn makes you smile back.

"Good morning, little one. I must say," he begins, moving to sit up and get off of the grass, "that was some of the best sleep I've gotten in quite a while."

"Well that's good to hear, and, I think there's something else that might make you even happier," you reply, and he gives you a slightly confused look, "C'mon, there's something in the water that you need to see."

His eyes light up curiously and he quickly moves to get up and out of the tent, following you as you walk back over to the cliff edge. Once he's standing beside you, you lift a hand and point toward the sun's reflection on the ocean, moving your finger down the 'path' it makes over the sea until you're both staring at the blue light at the bottom.

"Incredible," he murmured, taken aback by the sight, "but... what is it?"

The question made you laugh, and you turned around back to the campsite to go and grab the Sheikah Slate. Zelda had left it with you, just in case you would've needed it.

"Well, it looks like something I would've found within a shrine. One of those shrines scattered about Hyrule, I had to complete many as part of my preparation for the fight with Ganon." you explain, looking over the map on the slate to see if you were given any information on the light down below: there was none.

"Alright," you decide, putting the slate on your belt and turning to look at the prince, "I'm going to paraglide down there and investigate. If something having to do with the trial occurs, then join me down there, but if not, stay up here until I can return, yeah?"

"Of course, I only ask that you stay safe down there, _____," he agrees, giving you a soft smile.

You nod your head and run back to one of the supply bags, rummaging through until you find your paraglider. You grab a few other items as well, strapping the Master Sword's sheath around you, as well as a bow and a quiver of arrows.

Once you're ready, you unravel the fabric and take a running start, sprinting past the prince and jumping off the edge of the cliff, letting out a yell of excitement as the wind whips past you.

You stick your arms up and let the paraglider catch air, and eventually you're gliding down towards the sea calmly, floating past the islands. After a few minutes in the air, you're hovering above the blue light. It lets off a faint humming noise, and you can just barely make out some ancient Sheikah symbols within the light.

You brace yourself before closing the paraglider and landing in the water, touching the blue light as you do. You keep your eyes and mouth shut, not wanting to take in any salt water as you swim up to the surface.

As soon as you breach the water, you see that the blue light is gone. Confused, you try and look around, before a loud rumbling sound quickly catches you off guard. The rumbling is coming from directly below you in the water, and before you can react, something sturdy is at your feet and lifting you out of the water.

You gasp as you're pushed up, and it takes you a moment to register the fact that you're now sitting on a small island that appeared out of nowhere.

You get up to your feet and turn around, astounded by the structure before you. A sort of shrine, similar to the ones scattered around Hyrule, is there on the island, it's door locked and it's lights glowing orange. Quickly, you unhook the Sheikah Slate and walk up to the pedestal, scanning the slate across it.

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