32. Partners

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We've officially reached over 100k words! Hooray :DD Longest story I've ever written lol

Also look, I *know* I mentioned smut in the last chapter, but it's not here *just yet*. I'm sorry if that disappoints you. But next chapter !! It will be next chapter !! Pinky promise !!


If it weren't for all of the people around you're sure Sidon would have launched himself over the table to greet you.

"_____!" he says, a wide grin on his face as he walks towards you.

"Sidon, what are you doing here-"

You're cut off as he swoops you into his arms, and you shriek in surprise.

"It is so good to see you again," he beams at you, "how was your venture?"

Behind him one of the men speaks up, "is this the Hylian girl you told us about, Sidon?"

You cheekily raise a brow at the Zora, "you've been talking about me?"

"Yes, telling them about how wonderful you are, and that you're the reason I am here," he answers as he sets you back down.

The curtains are pushed aside once more and Zelda enters the stable. Her face lights up once she sees the prince. "Oh! Hello Prince Sidon, what a charming surprise," she says with a smile.

He bows his head respectfully, "Princess Zelda, it is delightful to see you as well."

The group of travelers erupt into chaos. One yells "Princess Zelda!?", another shouts, "the Princess? Here?", and a third screams, "bow you idiots!"

The men scramble to get to their feet, all of them bowing in various ways to the princess. One attempts to curtsy but clumsily stumbles over his feet. One of the other men smacks the back of his head.

Zelda laughs politely but shakes her head, "thank you gentlemen, but there is no need. At ease, please."

The travelers return to their seats at the table. Despite how hard they attempt to be discreet, it's very obvious they keep staring at both yourself and the princess. You turn your attention back to Sidon.

"Well," Zelda says, clasping her hands together, "am I correct to assume the two of you would like some to catch up before we rest for the night?"

You blush but nod your head regardless.

"Well go on then, I'll stay here. I have some notes I'd like to go over, and I think I'll draft a letter to send ahead to the Rito so they know that we're on our way," she replies.

For a moment a thought of concern flickers through you. Would it be safe to leave her alone here? Your eyes scan the room. No one seems out of the ordinary. And you'd be just up the road...

"Alright," you smile at her, "we'll be right back."

Sidon and yourself exit the stable and walk side by side on the canyon path. You're thrilled to see him, of course, but also confused. Hadn't he received your letter? You figured he'd understand something was off, and it wasn't safe- certainly not safe enough to travel across the kingdom on his own.

When you look up at him, however, you can't help but feel relief. You'd been so concerned about his safety the whole time you'd been in Gerudo Town. Seeing him here, the moonlight casting a glow over him, it helped to soothe your nerves immensely.

He catches you staring at him and grins.

"I'll repeat my earlier question," you start, placing your hands on your hips, "what are you doing here?"

A Champion's Love |Sidon x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now