11. The Calm Before the Storm

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The next three weeks had flown by. Within the span of time, you'd accomplished many tasks, such as appeasing the Divine Beast Vah Rudania with the help of a Goron named Yunobo, a descendant of the Goron Champion Daruk. You boarded the Divine Beast, fought another of Ganon's monsters, took back control, and were gifted the power of Daruk's Protection, the ability to make temporary force fields around your body. After that, you traversed northern Hyrule to get to the Tabantha region, where you'd heard the Rito Village stood.

Along the way, however, you happened upon the lost woods. Within these woods, you'd found Korok Forest, the home of the Great Deku Tree who'd been overseeing the Master Sword these last hundred years. You attempted to pull the sword out of the ground but nearly collapsed upon doing so. The Great Deku Tree explained to you that you needed to possess greater strength in order to wield the sword, and since you'd been asleep for a century you were much weaker than you'd been before. You marked the shrine inside of the woods, though, so you could travel back once you felt more prepared. You knew that sword would be vital once you were set to fight Ganon.

After saying goodbye to all the adorable koroks in the forest, you set out to Rito Village once more. On the way there you spotted the next Divine Beast- a massive mechanical bird high up in the sky, flying constant circles in the air. Once you got to the village, the elder Rito enlisted your help in taking down the Divine Beast, who you learned was named Vah Medoh. You met with a Rito named Tebah, and with his help, you flew up to Medoh and boarded it. After completing its puzzles you fought your third of Ganon's monsters, took main control, and received the gift of Revali's Gale from the late Rito Champion, meaning you now had the power to create powerful updrafts at will.

From Rito Village, you traveled south the Gerudo Desert, where you heard a place called Gerudo Town was, and likely where you'd find the next Divine Beast. On the way there you'd actually found another Great Fairy Fountain, the home of the fairy Kayasa, one of Cotera's sisters. You gave her some armor for her to mend and upgrade, then you continued on south. During your travels, you encountered a massive, one-eyed beast, who you later learned was called a Hinox. Defeating him wasn't so hard, and you managed to scavenge some decent weapons that he'd been hoarding.

Continuing on into the desert, you were able to see the final Divine Beast out in the sand dunes. A ginormous camel-like creature that was kicking up a sandstorm and striking anything that came near with lightning. you finally reached Gerudo Town, a peculiar settlement that only allowed 'vai', the Gerudo word for women. You met the young Gerudo Chief Riju and explained to her how you were able to appease Divine Beasts, and could save her and her people from Vah Naboris. She seemed to have trust in you as you used to be a friend of the Gerudo Champion Urbosa, but her personal guard Buliara seemed to have doubts. So they instructed you to find the Yiga Clan hideout in the desert and retrieve an armor piece called the Thunder Helm, a relic passed through the Gerudo royal family that had been stolen.

So you did just that. Borrowing a friendly sand seal, you rushed through the hot desert and managed to arrive at the marked location on your Sheikah Slate by nightfall. Sneaking in, you managed to find a Gerudo guard who'd been captured during her mission there. She reassured you that she'd get out on her own and you traveled deeper into the hideout. You played a dangerous hiding game, skirting around corners to sneak around intimidating Yiga members, luckily able to distract many by using their weakness of bananas. Finally, you met and battled Master Kohga, who was honestly a bit of a humorous joke, and took back the Thunder Helm.

Getting back to Gerudo Town, you returned the helm to its rightful owner, and with Riju's help, you traveled to Vah Naboris. Using the Thunder Helm, you approached the Divine Beast easily and managed to take it down and board it in no time. You completed the terminals once more with the guidance of Urbosa's spirit, fought Ganon's monster, took back control, and received the gift dubbed Urbosa's Fury, so now at the snap of your fingers you could summon lightning to strike down your enemies.

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