2. An Excitable Zora

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Your boots made a soft pitter-patter on the wet grass once you landed. Folding the paraglider back in, you tucked it away before looking around. The rain was beginning to soak through your clothes, but you just hoped everything in your bag would be intact.

Focusing your attention on the bridge before you, you unhooked the Sheikah Slate from your belt, curious to know the area you were now in. 'Inogo Bridge, crossing over the Zora River. Yup, this is the right place,' you mused, before hooking the slate to your belt again.

Looking around the area, you couldn't seem to see anyone. 'Where is this Sidon guy?' Taking a few steps towards the bridge, you stopped in your tracks at the sound of a voice calling out to you.

"Say, hey there! Young one!"

You spun around, searching for the source of the voice, confused. 'Where- hold on, young? I'm over a hundred years old!!'

"Up top! Above you!"

Glancing up, you watched in awe as a red Zora jumped off of one of the bridge's lookout points and land flawlessly in front of you. He towered over you. You stared up at him curiously, taking in his features. The main things that stood out to you where the hammer-head... well, head, and the attire he was decked out in. Jewelry adorned his body along, with a plume on his head.

So this was the prince of the Zora. 'He feels familiar... why do I feel like I've seen him before...?' you wondered, a bit lost in your thoughts as you looked him over.

"Pardon the entrance, but you're a Hylian, aren't you? I was hoping perhaps you'd have a moment to talk," he explained, and you quickly shook your head yes, just as you had done with Gruve up on Lanaryu tower.

"Aha! A Hylian! Yes, I knew it!" he exclaimed happily, which only confirmed your thoughts from earlier that all Zora seemed to be excitable in conversation. "Oh, pardon me... I am Sidon, the Zora Prince!" he grinned, striking a bit of a silly pose that made you smile, and you could've sworn you even saw a sparkle in his sharp... sharp teeth.

"And what is your name? Go on, please tell me!" he inquired, and just from his demeanor it was clear he genuinely did want to know you and wasn't just doing this for formality's sake.

"Uhh- _-_____. I'm _____" you answered, cursing yourself for the stammering. You felt your cheeks grow warm out of embarrassment but quickly ignored that, trying to stay focused on the conversation.

"_____? Your name is _____?! What a fantastic name!" he complimented, which caused you to blush a bit more. "Oh, it's not that special," you laughed slightly, putting your hands on your belt and fidgeting with the fabric of your shirt absentmindedly.

He seemed to be looking at you a bit more intrinsically and you looked around awkwardly, not knowing why. "Hmm, though I cannot shake the feeling that I have heard it somewhere before..." he continued, putting his hand to his chin as he seemingly thought about it. 'Maybe in a story or something... possibly about the champions. But he can't possibly be over a hundred years old,'

"Well, in any case, it is a strong name! To be honest, I've been watching you. I've seen the way you work. I can tell by how you carry yourself that you are no ordinary person." he concluded, smiling at you. 'I'll ignore the fact that he's apparently been watching me... for now'

"_____! You must be a strong warrior among the Hylians, correct?!" he asked, and you took a moment to mull the question over in your mind. "Uhh... sure?" you answered, a bit unsure of yourself. 'A hundred years ago I probably would have answered that with confident certainty... now though... hmm...'

"Aha! Just as I suspected! I am a Zora prince, after all. I have an eye for talent that is unparalleled! Yes! Exquisite! I have been searching for someone like you for a long while. A woman like you, _____, who carries herself with power!" he gushed, just as excited as earlier. Now you were really blushing though. All the compliments were making your cheeks burn despite the cold rain coming down on the two of you.

He explained the current issue at hand to you briefly. One of the Divine Beasts, Vah Ruta, was causing trouble in their land by causing a constant downfall. You pondered momentarily that that wouldn't be much of an issue for the Zora, they are fish-people after all. But once you considered the future ramifications this would cause, you realized how devastating this could be.

So that was only added purpose to gaining control of the Divine Beast once more. Beat Ganon, and save the lives of a whole civilization.

You had zoned out momentarily while thinking of all of this and were only pulled back to reality when you realized Sidon had asked you a question and was looking down at you, expecting an answer.

"Sorry, repeat the question? I got distracted," you apologized, embarrassed that you had spaced out as bad as you did.

Sidon chuckled a bit, clearly amused by your apparent shyness. "I asked if you would come back to Zora's Domain with me? To overcome Vah Ruta!" he clarified, bearing a confident smile as he spoke.

"Of course I will," you smiled, a strong want to help those in need sparked inside of you.

Sidon thanked you immensely, taking your hands into his own and shaking them gratefully. You were a little caught off guard by the texture of his hands. His scales were flat and smooth and slick, likely from the constant rain. He had a look of realization on his face when he noticed he might've held them for too long and quickly let them go.

The two of you briefly discussed how you'd have to traverse the area- due to the rain you wouldn't be able to scale the cliffs. You'd be forced to follow the path the Zora had carved, and though it was convenient, it winded around the river and was likely to be crowded with monsters, likely electric ones due to the weather.

Once you were done going over the plan, Sidon stood up straight and struck that pose of his once more. "Don't give up! I believe in you!" he exclaimed and had a peculiar look on his face when he suddenly remembered something. "Oh! That's right! I have something I would like to give you! This is just a small trinket to show that I have faith in you," he informed you, reaching into a pouch and pulling out a small vial of yellow-green liquid - an electro elixir. 'Huh, convenient.'

He explained that the elixir's effects seemingly don't work on the Zora themselves, so he's never been able to use it until now. The two of you bid your goodbyes, Sidon letting you know he'd swim upstream to make sure the path was clear for you. Then he sprung backward, doing a spectacular flip into the water.

You laughed a bit watching his red form shoot through the river and head up the small waterfall. 'What a show-off... a genuine, nice show-off though,' you mused, smiling a bit before turning back to the bridge. You prepared yourself, broadsword you'd managed to scavenge in hand, before setting off to Zora's Domain.

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