21. Trials Call

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Your dreams that night were plagued with horror. Visions of your fight with Calamity Ganon, the curse he'd laid upon the land, one involving Ganon defeating you a second time and laying waste to the land of Hyrule. You'd repeatedly wake up from each of these nightmares, hyperventilating and in a panic, finding it impossible to get any peaceful rest.

That next morning, however, after finally getting a few hours of sleep you were awoken by the sound of calm, running water. Groggy, and rather tired due to not getting the best sleep, you crawled out of the tangle of blankets and blink your eyes, adjusting to the sunlight streaming in through the windows despite the blinds being drawn.

You sit up with a yawn and look around, confused when you didn't see Zelda sleeping in the other bed. You pushed the covers off and scrambled over, your protective instincts kicking in when you assumed something must've happened in the middle of the night. Someone might've broken in and kidnapped her, she may have wandered off and gotten lost, or-

Your nerves settled once you spied a note left at the end of her bed. You quickly ran over and picked it up, recognizing the princess' neat handwriting scrawled across the page.

Dear _____

Hope my absence doesn't startle you too much once you're awake. I woke up rather early and decided to go ahead and speak with King Dorephan and the rest of his council about further reconstruction plans, as well as Sidon's training in becoming a pilot as well.

I decided not to wake you and let you continue to rest. Once you are awake, let one of the servants know and we can have someone sent to escort you to where we'll be meeting up. The head of the guard scoped out an alternate route we can use to walk to the Divine Beast; this way we won't have to avoid that camp of Lizalfos.


(Oh, I thought it might serve you to know that the guards and staff have started their own little gossip circles discussing certain rumors about you and the prince. Apparently, I'm not the only one who's noticed the two of you becoming rather close.)

With a sigh, you fold the parchment and toss it back onto the bed. You make your way around the beds and walk towards the door, stretching your arms out to release some tension that'd built up while you were asleep. Reaching for the handle, you slide the door open just barely and peer outside into the hallway.

You spy a young Zora woman walking down the hall, her scales a pale purple color with a sash around her torso. In an attempt to get her attention you clear your throat rather loudly, making her stop and spin to look at you.

"Oh! Good morning, Lady _____," she quickly greeted you, bowing her head as a sign of respect.

You smile and wave your hand. "No need for formalities, I was wondering if you could do me a favor if you're not too busy," you reply, and she quickly nods her head as she waits for you to elaborate. "Please deliver a message to either Princess Zelda or Prince Sidon and let them know that in just a few minutes I'll be ready for my, er... escort?"

She quickly gave you a bright smile and clapped her hands together, "of course, Hylian Champion! I'll speak to them right away!"

Her cheery demeanor was a breath of fresh air compared to the stress you'd endured with your nightmares from hours before. You watched as she quickly walked away, no doubt heading to the upper floors of the palace to seek out Zelda and Sidon.

You walk back into the bedchamber and shut the door behind you, puffing out a tired breath as you walk towards the pool of water in the room. "I guess a quick little bath wouldn't hurt before getting dressed for our venture today," you mumble to yourself, untying the robe and letting it slide off and fall into a pile of fabric on the tile floor.

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