8. Recovery

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You awoke to a room with dim blue lighting. Your body was partially submerged in some shallow water, your head supported on a rather soft folded towel that acted as a pillow. When you attempted to move, you grumbled in confusion feeling how stiff your body was. It felt as though you hadn't moved in days.

After a solid minute of struggle, you were sat upright in this little pool of water. You found you'd been stripped of the majority of your armor, leaving you in your undergarments and a plain white tunic. You could feel you were also bandaged around your torso, and your arms and legs looked as though they had some sort of clear salve on them.

Your eyes quickly adjusted to the low lighting, and you were relieved to see your armor on a table at the other side of the room, along with the gear you'd had on Ruta and the bag of supplies you'd left on the reservoir.

A glass of water was within your reach and you quickly went for it, gulping it down in a matter of minutes. It tasted like heaven in your dry mouth, and you were grateful for it.

The sound of the door opening caught your attention, and you turned your head to see a Zora woman with pale green scales walk in. "Oh, you're awake," she smiled, setting down the bottle she'd held in her hands and walking over to your side, "The prince is going to be very happy when he hears this news."

"The prince?" you asked, your voice sounding croaky. After coughing a few times and clearing your throat, you kept talking, "Prince Sidon? Why would he be happy?" You supposed that you were friends at this point, especially after battling Ruta together. But how worried could he really be?

"Oh, well the prince has been very concerned since he brought you in, Champion _____!" she informed you, grabbing an intricately sewn hand towel and dipping it into a basin of water, "Pacing outside in the hallway, constantly asking for updates. Every day this week after his meetings with the council, he's come right here to check on you. We haven't allowed him into the room, of course, for your privacy. But you gave him quite a fright passing out like that."

She reached a hand out for your arm, and you lifted it in compliance. You watched as she ran the now wet towel back and forth across the limb, wiping away the salve that had been spread across it previously. Your skin was littered in scratches and a few longer scars from the various battles and fights in your past.

"What's this gel?" you asked curiously as she moved to wipe it off of your other arm.

"A healing salve," the nurse answered, pointing to the bottle she'd brought into the room with her, "it was created roughly one hundred years ago. When Lady Mipha was still alive she was our core healer, bringing not only warriors back to prime health, but the everyday Zora as well. After she passed we needed other ways of aiding those in pain, so this medicinal salve was created. It works nowhere near as fast as Mipha's healing powers once did, but it's much faster than traditional techniques. The salve is on your back too, but it had to be bandaged as the wound was a rather nasty one."

While she had been speaking she'd cleaned off the rest of your arm and both your legs. "Ah," you sighed once she was done talking, the mention of Mipha making sad emotions creep into your thoughts.

"Well, now that you're awake you must be starving," she said with a small laugh, "you have been out cold for a few days after all. I'll send a message to the kitchens and they'll prepare a meal for you. How do you feel about fish?"

"Oh, I don't mind it. Depending on how it's made it tastes rather good," you told her. She nodded her head and pulled the door open, and you quickly tried to stop her to ask more questions but she left too fast for your words to make it to her. 'Dammit... I was gonna ask how long I was knocked out for. Guess I have to wait till she's back...'

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