39. End of an Era

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I am so incredibly sorry for how long this chapter took to put out. Not only did I become super busy irl, but this chapter just gave me a super hard time while writing it. It's very dialogue heavy but I was trying to find a way to keep all the important dialogue without making it just huge blocks of text (cause that's boooooring).

Don't let the title scare you! This is not the last chapter, but it *is* the beginning of the transition to the TOTK storyline. Lots of changes incoming :)
As an apology for how long it took, this chapter is a little longer than the usual!


Everything is a blur.

At one moment when you blearily open your eyes, there's two figures huddled above you. One red and one gray. There's a throbbing pain in your chest, and your head, and your arm. You can barely stay awake.

The next time you open your eyes, the world around you is in motion. It takes you a few seconds to realize that you're held in someone's arms, and the earth bounces as they walk. You're held closely, safely. Their chest is warm, but their jewelry is cool to the touch. You fall asleep again.

When you next open your eyes, it's due to noise. Dozens of voices around you. Arguing, crying, questioning. You wince and turn your head, finding that you're still held in someone's arms. You feel a hand gently hold the back of your head, and a stern voice commands that everyone quiet down. Your eyes flutter shut once more.

You're unsure how long you sleep for. The next time you wake it's sudden, you gasp as you lurch forward. Your chest heaves in pain as you take in panicked breaths. Your eyes flicker about the room in fear, your surroundings completely unrecognizable to you.

Before you can react there's figures, strangers, hovering above you. They hold your arms down and restrain you to the cot you lie in. There's a sharp stinging in your bicep and you cry out in pain as your panic only increases.

"Let go of me!" you shout, chest rising and falling quickly with each breath, "where's Sidon? Where's Zelda?"

"You need to lie down," one of them sternly instructs you, "you're still recovering!"

You struggle, your heart pounding in your chest as you attempt to rise once more. A grunt passes your lips as your back is firmly pressed against the cot once more. With only one good arm you don't have the strength to force them off of you. Before you can shout once more, another voice enters the room.

"Didn't I say to come and alert us once she was awake? What's going on here?"

You sharply turn your head towards the source, tears welling in your eyes. In all of your panic you hadn't realized that the room you were in was in fact a tent. At the tent's entrance stands a familiar face-

"Bazz!" you cry out, "Bazz, where am I- what happened-"

The Zora walks towards you and instructs the two strangers, "you can leave us alone for now, I'll call you back inside if she needs further medical attention."

Your relief is palpable as the hands on your shoulders and arms finally let go. They walk out of the tent leaving both you and Bazz alone. Your breathing slows as you finally begin to calm down and assess your surroundings.

The tent is somewhat large. There's a desk with some papers and medical supplies scattered about, as if someone had been working. A lantern in the corner is unlit. On the ground you recognize the bag that you travel with, and beside it is the Master Sword in its sheath. When you strain your ears, you can hear the sounds of idle chatter outside.

Bazz helps you sit up-right and you examine yourself for the first time since waking up. You're dressed in a sleeveless tunic and shorts, though your arm is wrapped in bandages. You sniff the air and realize that you smell of soaps, like you'd recently been bathed.

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