3. Familiar

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The journey to Zora's Domain was a bit grueling. Every corner you turned there was some Lizalfos trying to spear you, part of the road was decked with stupid Octorocks trying to shoot at you, and at some point on one of the higher bridges, a black Moblin had come out of nowhere to attempt to surprise attack you.

Luckily though, Sidon had been speaking to you in that instant and managed to warn you in time. In fact, Sidon had been shown up many times along the way to reassure you. The constant encouragement was doing wonders for your confidence, and you were rather starting to like his cheery and upbeat demeanor.

You checked the map on your Sheikah Slate frequently to make sure you weren't straying from the path. At one point you were walking up one of the higher points of the path, near a dam called the East Reservoir Lake. You could see a spout shooting up in the distance- and you couldn't tell if it was some kind of steam or mist or what.

Pulling yourself up over the rocks, you looked over and gasped at what you saw. Something big was submerged in the dam's water. You could see part of its body, clearly something man-made, with whirring, red-glowing parts. A large spout, almost like a trunk was coming up out of the water, shooting a furious and constant stream of water up into the sky.

'That's the Divine Beast Vah Ruta... that's what's causing all the rain. That is much bigger than what I was imagining'

You had a bit of a realization. The scope of the situation at hand and what was truly at stake. When you continued on the path to Zora's Domain, you found your feet going at a quicker pace than beforehand.


Before long you found yourself walking along the Great Zora Bridge, and looking around in awe at the region before you. The architecture was astounding- it had been built using many luminous stones, no doubt. The massive fish statue at the top intimidated you just a tad. The whole place was just so... grandiose. And somehow it fit Sidon perfectly.

At the end of the bridge you made your way up the small set of stairs, holding onto the railing to avoid slipping as the entire place was just... covered in water, understandably.

You smiled at the sight of Sidon running over to greet you, walking through the arched entryway which was flanked on either side by a Zora guard. "Whoa! I've been waiting for you, _____!" he exclaimed bombastically, striking his signature pose as you took the few extra steps to approach you. The two guards beside him both smiled a bit, clearly amused with the Prince's peppy behavior.

"Welcome! Behold the pride of my people, Zora's Domain! Now I shall introduce you to the king. Hurry, this way!" he explained, before turning and heading up a tall staircase. You could only assume the king was somewhere beneath that large fish sculpture, it seemed to be a centerpiece of the area.

Passing by the two guards who both offered you quaint hellos, you made your way through the plaza, passing by kid Zora's who were running around a statue excitedly. You paused in front of the statue before heading up the stairs though... something about it seemed to draw you in.

It was a tall statue of a gorgeous Zora woman. She held a meticulously carved trident in her hands, and looked down at you with an expression of sweet sincerity... and almost care. Whoever carved the statue must've been quite fond of the woman in portrayed. She also looked a bit like Sidon, but you weren't sure if you were imagining that. Perhaps she was an ancestor of his, his mother or grandmother, or something.

You couldn't shake the feeling that there was something that felt familiar about her though. You knew it was more than just the resemblance to Sidon. 'Did I know her a hundred years ago? From before the calamity?'

You managed to tear your eyes away from the statue and walked up the right staircase and up to the next floor. At the top of the staircase, you could see an elder Zora... shocking himself repeatedly with a shock arrow. Concerned, you walked up the steps towards him and could hear him speaking- rambling to himself.

"KYAHHH! Lady Mipha! Watch THIS! I, Seggin, the aptly named Demon Sergeant, shall strike down the Divine Beast Vah Ruta!" he ranted, standing over the shock arrow victoriously as though it were a monster to be slain.

You cleared your throat and leaned over to try and catch his attention. "Um, whatcha doin'?" you asked curiously, a bit concerned for his well-being. After what Sidon had told you about the Zora and electricity you wanted to make sure this man wasn't going to hurt himself.

The elder Zora turned to you and visibly jumped, clearly quite surprised by your presence. His expression then turned to one of anger, however. "You... you're _____! Finally, I can avenge Lady Mipha!" he exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at you, "It has been a hundred years since you last showed your face here! Now I, Seggin, will cut you down myself!"

"What, uh... what do you mean?" you asked, clearly quite confused. A pair of guards who flanked the upper staircases were watching the scene unfold before them, and you quickly wanted to diffuse this before anything drastic happened.

"Playing dumb, eh?! Nice try, but you cannot fool me, Champion _____! You were unable to protect Lady Mipha from Calamity Ganon! It has been a hundred years since we lost her... poor Lady Mipha... how heartbreaking..." he went on, continuing this angry rant but growing a bit sadder now.

'This Lady Mipha must've been a very important Zora... but he speaks as though it's directly my fault that she passed on... that can't be true, right?'you thought, crossing your arms as you watched Seggin look away from you, his expression now distraught.

Your lack of memories from a hundred years ago was starting to heavily annoy you. You wanted to remember what happened. You want to know who this Lady Mipha was so you could console this elder Zora who's still very broken up about what happened even a century later.

You plucked up your courage and captured his attention once more. "I won't fail her again. I won't fail any of the Zora again," you stated confidently, though Seggin didn't seem at all reassured.

"Hmph! There is no way we could ask for your help now, after all this time and after all that has happened! So says I, Seggin, the Demon Sergeant! Even if this body of mine is destroyed... I will drown Ruta in shock arrows myself! And in doing so, Lady Mipha's regrets shall be alleviated," he concluded, looking down at you with an expression of pure distaste... and almost hatred. It was a look that unsettled you greatly.

He turned back to his shock arrow, before quickly doubling back to make a final statement. "If you understand anything of courage, then get out of my way at once!"

You nodded your head glumly and stepped up the rest of the stairs. The two guards who had been listening in quickly returned to their stoic posts. You heard Seggin resume his touching of the shock arrow, and you considered taking it so he wouldn't hurt himself, but decided against it, he probably wanted to be left alone.

Instead, you turned to the massive staircase in front of you, split on either side around a statue of the Goddess Hylia. Pausing in front of the statue, you gulped nervously, feeling the weight of the situation on your shoulders once more.

'Goddess give me strength,' you prayed in your mind, before ascending up the staircase towards the king.

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