27. The Prince's Protector

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"Shit!" you curse loudly, quickly moving so that you're kneeling by Sidon's side.

'Gotta work quickly,' you think to yourself, attempting to move him so that he's laid flat on his back and you can more easily examine his wounds.

He had various stab wounds littered across his torso and arms. Spear wounds. Cuts and scars and bruises decorated his body in a messy array of black and blue patches.

With a grimace, you place your palms upon his chest and stomach, ignoring the blood and open cuts as you search for the brunt of the damage. You realize that you're hyperventilating, and you attempt to calm yourself as you try and perform this healing task.

Tears begin to sting at your eyes again as you will Mipha's Grace to activate. 'C'mon, c'mon, why won't it work,' you frantically wonder, hands shaking as you desperately try and work.

'Calm down _____,' you think to yourself, 'you've done this before. You can't heal if you're panicking. Think, think, what helps you heal?'

You attempt to steady your racing heart, breathing in deeply through your nose and letting out deep sighs. You slow your train of thought, focusing on the one thing that seems to help you when it's time to heal: Sidon.

It was just like Mipha had explained to you all those years ago. You had to focus on what matters most.

You think back to when you first met him, how he guided you through awful weather and monster camps to bring you to his home; the first time you met with he and his father and were gifted the Zora armor; working alongside Sidon to tame Ruta and board the Divine Beast; being healed with the palace; penning each other letters for weeks before your battle with Calamity Ganon; working with him during his trials to become pilot-

Falling for him.

Your nerves feel like they're on fire as your hands glow blue - the brightest blue they've ever been. You gasp, keeping your palms pressed flat against him as you work your healing powers.

You watch as the small cuts and bruises fade away, and the large stab wounds begin to close up and seal with your aid. It takes mere moments, and aside from the blood stains, tattered sash, and scuffed armor bands he looks perfectly normal.

The glow of your palms fades away, and you lean over to press your ear against his chest. You hear the subtle beating of his heart and breathe a shaky sigh of relief, pulling away to look back at Bazz and Zelda.

"He's going to be just fine, I've healed his wounds but we've gotta get him back to the Domain to make sure he's hydrated and has a meal as soon as he wakes up," you announce, "Bazz, come help me carry him, he's too heavy for me to pick up alone."

The captain nods and quickly rushes over, and together you take either of the prince's arms and hoist him up, carrying him between the two of you.

Zelda, meanwhile, has quite the shocked expression on her face.

"You just kissed!" she exclaims, quickly picking up the journals and books she'd brought along with her.

You smile and roll your eyes at her, "yes, I know, you can squeal about it all you want once we get Sidon back safe and sound."


It took a few hours, and a lot of difficult terrain traversing, but you eventually returned to the palace around midday. As soon as the four of you stepped onto the Great Zora Bridge, a guard came running up to you. Dunma, who'd been watching over the entrance to the palace.

"Go get the nurses and tell them to wait for us outside the prince's bedchambers, tell them that he's been healed and is not in critical danger but has been unconscious for some hours," Bazz instructs her.

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