17. What Matters Most

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You felt as though time slowed down around you. You scream Sidon's name, stumbling as you rush forward to attack the two Moblins while their backs are still turned to you. You feel upset- no, that's an understatement.

You are angry. Enraged, even.

You have adrenaline coursing through your veins and this anger only spurs you on even more as you spare no time in slicing through the Moblins, and they don't even have a chance against you now. Within seconds you were done with them, they dissolved away and you were left panting angrily, your knuckles turning white with how tightly you were gripping the Master Sword.

A groan from the ground pulls you away from this fit of fury, however.

You turn and see Sidon on his side on the ground, scraped up with a massive blue bruise beginning to form on his torso.

"Crap, Sidon, I'm so sorry," you panic, sheathing your sword and kneeling down next to him, looking over his wounds. You help him onto his back so you can examine his growing bruises, and you wince when you hear him suck in his breath, clearly in pain.

"There's no need to apologize young one, this isn't- this isn't any fault of your own," he manages out, and you cringe as he coughs up his own blood.

You can feel tears stinging at your eyes as you look down at him, but you couldn't let your emotions get the better of you now. "You promised me that you wouldn't get hurt," you say shakily. You weren't actually blaming him, but you were upset and just needing something to pin the blame on.

Sidon laughed, though you could see that even that was hard for him to do right now. "I promised I would avoid any and all shock arrows," he replies cheekily, and you frown at his response.

"... This is my fault, I'm the one who decided to try and fight them instead of running away-"


"I should've gotten us out of that situation instead of letting my pride get the best of me-"


"You're a prince, and I'm a trained knight, I should know a dangerous scenario when I see one, and-"

" _____! "

You almost gasp at how suddenly and loudly he says your name. You shut your mouth as you look at him, realizing he'd been trying to grab your attention.

"_____, I know you're panicking and don't know what to do. But I have a suggestion. Look down at your hands." he tells you, looking you straight in the eyes as he does.

Your brow furrows at this, but you do as he says and you look down at your palms. Your eyes go wide when you see them glowing- a soft blue glow ebbing from each hand. You quickly recognize this light though, it's the same blue glow that envelops you each and every time you use the healing powers Mipha gifted you with.

The pieces click together in your mind. "I... I can try healing you with Mipha's Grace," you realize, your wide eyes flicking up to look back at Sidon.

You hesitate, before slowly lowering both of your hands and placing them on his stomach. He tenses up beneath your touch, and you quickly take off the pressure, not wanting to hurt him. "I'm sorry... this might be a bit painful, I've never done this before," you apologize, gingerly holding your hands right above his bruises instead.

"It's alright, young one, just try and remember what my sister would do. I was too young to be able to remember how she used her powers, but it would shock me if she didn't heal your wounds many of times," he explains, giving you a weak smile, "just... do what she would do, I suppose."

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