10. Penpals

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A few days later you were on your way to Death Mountain. You'd spent a day or so in Kakariko Village, visiting Cotera and stocking up on supplies. Cotera had been extremely curious to hear about your travels as she mended and upgraded the Zora armor with her magic. While sat in her little enclosed, pond area you told her all about Zora's Domain, and the Divine Beast, and showed her the power Mipha had given you.

After a while of talking, you noticed her staring down at you with an amused expression. "What?" you asked her very confused, "Is there something on my face?" You felt your cheeks to make sure there was no dirt on anything on them, and Cotera merely giggled at the reaction.

"No no, dear. I've just noticed that you seem to be talking about this prince of your's quite a bit. You take a shine to him?" she asked, winking at you while she gave you a knowing look.

With a blush, you shook your head and looked down at the ground, plucking one of the small flowers from the ground. "No... no. He's just a friend. He's sweet and caring, but he's like that with everyone, I've seen it first hand. He's just a kind soul," you replied, but Cotera wasn't buying it.

"Whatever you say, honey. Now, here's the Zora Armor," she smiled at you, handing over the blue chest plate which was now perfectly restored, "Anything else you'd like me to fix or upgrade?"

"Nah, I think I'm good for now. I've got to get going to meet with the Goron," you told her, putting away the armor in your bag, "Thanks so much for the repairs Cotera. And I'll be sure to keep an eye out for your sisters."

"Alright then, dear," she smiled at you, brushing her bright blonde hair out of her face, "Well, byeeeeee!" And with a flourish, she dove back into her fountain, out of sight.

After thinking back to the memory, you frowned a bit at what Cotera had said. 'Taken a shine to Sidon? What does she even mean by that?' you wondered, a little bit frustrated by it. "Persy, what did you think she meant by that?" you asked your horse, Persephone, jokingly. Persephone just whinnied softly in response.

You looked out at the area around. The rocks and terrain had taken on a more red-brown hue, and that only increased as you got closer and closer to Death Mountain. The volcano wasn't far off now, and you could see a Sheikah Tower at the base that you could climb to get the map of the area.

Suddenly, you heard a noise. An accordion. Your ears immediately perked up and you unhooked the Sheikah Slate, using its scope to look out in the distance. You quickly grinned when you were able to see a stable not too far ahead on the trail. And it seemed as though Kass was there too, judging by the music.

Quickly, you grabbed Persephone's reigns and snapped them, a small yell passing your lips as she took off, galloping down the path and straight towards the familiar and welcoming stables. Once arriving, you saw a sign that read 'Foothill Stables'. You bid Kass a quick hello, and waved at Beedle since you saw him walking up the road with his signature beetle-shaped bag.

Hopping off of Persephone, you pulled on her reigns and brought her up to the stall. After talking to the stable hand, they took your horse into their care. You knew you couldn't bring her onto the volcano with the heat, so you'd leave her here for the time being. You patted Persephone on the head one last time and offered her an apple that she happily munched on as she was guided to her new stall.

You took some time talking to all the people at the stables, getting some advice and tips on how to traverse the region. One lady, named Gaile, struck a deal with you to sell you some fireproof elixirs in exchange for rupees. You'd use these until you could get to Goron City and buy some proper fireproof armor.

As the sun began to set, you found yourself sitting beside the cooking pot. You were preparing some meals since you were low on good food, and were currently baking some glazed apples when you heard the cry of a bird.

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