44. Skull Lake

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rejoice, for i have a new keyboard i can type more efficiently

also rejoice because i aced all of my finals, yippeeeee

imma try to keep churning out chapters while i can cause i've had these ideas/outlines in the vault for MONTHS and they need to breathe some FRESH AIRRR


A mechanical hum was ever-present within the walls of the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab, and its source could be attributed to the robot in the center of the room. Affectionately named 'Cherry' by the resident scientist Robbie, the bright blue eyes of the machine bore into your soul as you walked into the laboratory. As if taunting you, the robot made a series of chirps and whirring sounds once you and your companions shut the door.

"Ah, Champion!" Robbie greeted you from the other side of the room, "come in, come in!"

You offer a smile toward the eccentric and nod your head toward his wife Jerrin as well. The older woman gave you a small grin before returning to the books she was organizing on the shelf. While Tauro remained beside you, Calip quickly walked ahead of you to marvel at the Sheikah machinery in the center of the room.

"How marvelous!" Dr. Calip beamed, the most excited you had ever seen him, "such intricate design, what is the purpose of this machine?"

Robbie seemed eager to boast about his beloved project, "ah, this is my precious Cherry, it is an ancient oven! The machine takes ancient parts, and rupees, and crafts them into useful weaponry and tools!"

The two men proceeded to go back and forth, giddily discussing the mechanics and functionality of the machine. Your ears perked up at the sound of a deep, sad sigh. Turning to your left you see Jerrin with a frown on her face, staring at dejectedly at the bookshelf. Slowly you tip-toe over to her side, gently clearing your throat as you lean against the wall.

"You alright?" you ask her.

She shakes her head, strands of blonde hair falling loose from her bun, "... sometimes I feel like he cares more about that machine than he does for me."

'Awkward,' you think to yourself, swallowing nervously. You hadn't intended to get caught up in marital troubles today. "Umm," you reply, "well, we came here to ask Robbie about undocumented shrines, but... he seems occupied now."

You mentally curse Calip for putting you in this situation.

Jerrin, however, seems to perk up at this, "oh? Shrines? You're in luck then. I'm an amateur scholar of ancient history, but I've been focusing a lot of my research on shrines. Of course, they will all be getting dismantled soon..." She trails off, seeming disheartened about it, before quickly continuing, "oh, but that reminds me! If you're looking for shrines, there's somewhere you need to go. The left eye of Skull Lake!"

"A lake with an eye?" Tauro pipes up, having moved to stand behind you as you spoke with the fellow Hylian.

She nods, "I know it sounds weird, but when you see the lake for yourself you'll understand. The lake has two 'eyes', so to speak. It's a challenge to get to it, though... the left eye of the lake is very high, near impossible for the average climber to reach the top of. You'd have to have a supernatural amount of stamina, or have some kind of technology to reach it."

You turn and look up at Tauro, folding your arms, "well, it's the best lead we've gotten so far. After we stock up on supplies at the stable we can check it out and then make a plan for reaching the labyrinth after?"

He grins, giving you a cheeky thumbs up, "sounds like a plan to me. Want me to grab Calip?"

You lean to the side, peering around the taller man. Behind him, you see Robbie and Calip, still chatting one another's ears off about Sheikah technology.

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