Chapter 1: BK Dynasty!

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Warning: Slight mention of Gore!!

In Japan, there is 1 infamous leader. An alpha among alpha's. Katsuki Bakugou, respectively known for taking care of his city but feared due to his cruel and violent nature to those who oppose him and/or disrespects the rules.

Katsuki grew up in the mafia world. His parents ran the most respected mafia in all of Japan, the BK Dynasty. Born a hyper-dominant alpha, he learned hand to hand combat by the time he started walking, he picked up his first gun at 5, with years of combat and weapons training, by the time Katsuki was 15 he had already killed 5 members of a rival gang.

The Bakugou's throw a banquet every year to celebrate their only son's birthday. On Katsuki's 20th birthday, they held the biggest banquet of all. Not only was their precious son turning 20, but he was also being promoted to take over the family business.

Katsuki's POV

Knock knock. "Master Bakugou" the maid, Kendall opens the door "I am here with your even attire for the banquet tonight" she said while walking in.

"Put it on the bed. I will dress myself when I am finished my shower." Katsuki addresses.

"Yes Sir, the banquet begins at 6pm. Mrs. Bakugou requested you be at the banquet hall at 5."

"Got it, dismissed." Katsuki said as he walked into his private washroom. "I don't know why that old hag needs me there an hour before." He thinks to himself as he hops into his shower.

Katsuki stands in front of his mirror, adjusting his tie and making sure his hair was done the way he likes it when he hears a knock on his door.

Knock Knock.

"Tell the old hag I'll be down in a minute!" He yells. the door bursts open. "Yo man! You ready for your big day?" Kirishima asks, with a big toothy grin. Kirishima is Katsuki's right hand man. The 2 alphas grew up together when Katsuki's parents took Kirishima in as a child. "Today's just a day for my parents to show off, you already know that Shitty Hair." Katsuki exclaims, looking at Kirishima through the mirror. "Come on man, it's not just a day for your parents to show off, your finally being introduced as the new head of the business!" Kirishima says while sitting on Katsuki's bed. "Yeah yeah, lets go before the hag starts screaming" Katsuki says while walking past his friend.

Once in the banquet hall, Katsuki sees his parents with the guards going over the plans to make sure the banquet goes off without a hitch.

"Hag!" Katsuki exclaims, walking up to his mother and father once the guards were disbursed. "Oh, you're finally ready, huh brat?" Mitsuki Bakugou asks. "What's the deal? Why did you need me down here an hour before the banquet started?" Katsuki asks, not the he's actually curious.

"We have to talk before the guests arrive... Kirishima, you come with us too. You'll need to hear this as well" Masaru Bakugou says to the boys. Katsuki and Kirishima look at each other, confused as to what Katsuki's parents would have to say that would involve both of them.

The suspense was starting to piss Katsuki off. The 4 walk down the hallway towards Mitsuki's office. "What do you think is going on, Bakubro?" Kirishima asks glancing over at Katsuki. He scoffs, judging by his parents demeanour, it has to be something related to the banquet.

They follow Katsuki's parents into the office. Mitsuki sits at her desk and pulls out a file, placing it on the desk for her son to look at.

Taking the file, Katsuki opens it to see a photo of one of his parents commanders laying with his throat slit. The next photo has "BK DYNASTY WILL FALL!" in blood on the wall. Katsuki scoffs, looking over the file at his parents. "Why did you need to show us this? We're the biggest mafia in all of Japan, weaklings are always trying to take us down." he says while pulling a little smirk, not bothering to continue looking.

Kirishima takes the file from Katsuki and starts going through the photos himself. "Wait, what's this piece of paper?" he asks while pulling it out from behind the photos. "This is what we need to talk about..." Mitsuki says getting up from her chair. Kirishima starts to read the letter that was with the photos. As he reads his eye begin to widen. "Uhh... Bakubro, you may was to read this.."

Katsuki scowls. Just what could be so shocking that everyone is so loss for words. He walks over taking the letter from Kirishima, sitting at his moms desk.

BK Dynasty will fall April 20th 20??. You can try all you want to keep your precious banquet secured but you will NOT succeed. The Bakugou Family will parish and BK Dynasty will surrender to us.

Katsuki chuckles, "They really think they can get rid of us so easily" he thinks to himself. Amused, he continues on.

Mitsuki Bakugou: Dominant Alpha: Head

Masaru Bakugou: Alpha: 2nd in command

Katsuki Bakugou: Hyper-Dominant Alpha: Future Head

Eijiro Kirishima: Alpha: Right hand of Katsuki Bakugou

Katsuki is starting to get angrier as he reads the letter. Not only did this letter have his, his parents and Kirishima's information, the letter also names all of the commanders, the men in their squads, down to all of the maids and servants names and work schedules. On top of seeing all their information written down, he realizes that the information this gang has can only be obtained by a rat. At the very end of the letter, he sees the information regarding the banquet itinerary.

April 20th 20?? : Bakugou Hall starts at 6pm.

Speech will be given at 8:00pm congratulating Katsuki Bakugou on taking over the business.

We left you this letter to make this game a little more fun. Sure we could surprise you but what fun would that be. Before Katsuki Bakugou officially becomes the new head, The entire Bakugou clan will perish along with the right hands, commanders and the rest of the gang.

We will be watching you.

- MidoriDragons

Katsuki seethed. Slamming the letter down on the desk, Katsuki sprung up, infuriated that someone has claimed a war on his clan. Releasing powerful pheromones, he feels a tap on his shoulder. Jolting and ripping the hand off him he snaps out of his semi-feral state realizing it was his mother. "This is why we needed to speak with both of you" Masaru stated.

"Listen brat, we always handle our own. We aren't number 1 for no reason" Mitsuki started, "The reason we asked to speak with both of you before the banquet, as I said, we can handle ourselves. What makes this a dangerous situation is the fact that we will also have civilians within Bakugou Hall..." Mitsuki finishes.

"Seeing as we can't cancel the event tonight without raising suspicion, we've taken proper measures to ensure everyones safety" Masaru exclaimed. Kirishima glanced over to his best friend seeing him deep in thought. "What are you thinking man?" the redhead asked.

Katsuki sneers "I don't know who these fuckers think they are, but they have another thing coming if they think they can destroy my Dynasty!"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay tuned for more!

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