Chapter 28: The Real Dragon Boss!

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Something's on me. It's so heavy... Izuku blinks, waking up because he felt crushed. His vision adjusts and he sees Uraraka and Momo cuddled up around him. He smiles, happy to see his 2 favourite girls. "What a wonderful view to wake up too. If I was an Alpha, you beautiful ladies would be in trouble" he said laughing. The girls wake up and smile "If you were an Alpha, we'd be honored!" Momo says, kissing Izuku on his cheek. Uraraka wipes the sleep from her eyes. "Bakugou should be arriving soon. Any ideas on what you want to wear?" she asks getting up to walk to the closet. "Oh yes! Master Bakugou is visiting today! Zuzu you need to make sure your outfit has his jaw hitting the floor!" Momo says with excitement. Izuku smiles getting up to head to the bathroom. "You know what? I think we should show him how his mate really dresses to handle organization matters." he says with a smile. Uraraka smiles, she heads into the closet and gets everything together. 

Momo joins Izuku in the bathroom to wash his hair and get him prepped to get dressed. She brushes out Izuku's hair and styles it with a classic side part brushing off gelling down the lose strands of hair falling in his face. Next she moves on to make up. They decide to make it as subtle as possible. They go with a light green eye shadow and black eyeliner. With a simple wing added, Momo grabs an ever so lightly tinted pink lip gloss and hands it to Izuku. Once Izuku is finished with his hair and make up, he and Momo walk into the closet to get him dressed.

 Uraraka is grabbing the accessories to match Izuku's outfit, she turns around and sees Izuku's eyes start to tear up. "Hey! What's Wrong?" startled Uraraka runs to Izuku. "Why are you crying, my love?" Momo asks side hugging the whimpering beauty. "Oh I didn't realize I was tearing up. I just think the outfit is perfect. I haven't worn my dad's tie since before my parents died" He said, fanning his eyes so he doesn't ruin the make up Momo just finished applying to him.

The girls smile. "Lets get you dressed Zu." Uraraka says. Izuku slips on his green laced panties and grabs his pants. They're tight fitting dress pant long enough to end right above his ankle with a pristine hem ironed onto them. Uraraka steps behind Izuku, he puts his arms back as she places a light green fitted dress shirt onto his body. While he buttons up his shirt and tucks the lenght into his pants, she comes back with his fathers tie, handing it to Momo to tie it around his neck. The tie was beautiful, it was a white silk with diagonal forest pin stripes on it. The tie pin that came with it was custom made with the MidoriDragons crest. Tying the tie and placing on the tie pin, Uraraka comes back with a white belt and a black corset vest. The vest had the Dragon crest on the pocket of left side of the chest. The belt came with attachments for knives and guns. Izuku puts on the vest and buttons it up.

As Uraraka starts to tighten and tie up the corset back, Izuku puts on his accessories. He feeds the white belt through the belt loops, buckling up the belt in and strapping the holster attachments to his thighs. He slips on his white gold Rolex and Momo than hands him his matching white gold, studded diamond earrings with his 'Deku' necklace that was gifted to him from his parents on his 18th birthday.

Sliding on some white ankle socks, Uraraka hands Izuku his shoes. They're sleek black dress shoes with a white strap across the top. He slips his knife in the sheath on the left side of the belt holster and his his gun black and green gun on the right. The 3 stand there looking at Izuku in the mirror. He looks absolutley stunning. "Hmm..." Izuku hums "What is it? Is it not what you had in mind?" Uraraka asks. "No, no. This outfit is absolutely perfect. It just feels like there's something missing.. Something.. Important" Izuku states thinking hard on what he's looking for. Thinking hard, he has a moment of realization. He heads to a drawer in his closet and opens it up. He grabs a box labeled 'Mom' and opens it up. "Hah! Found it!" he says walking over to the mirror. He pulls some of his hair over on the smaller side of the part.

He pulls out a hair pin and places it in his hair. It was a solid white gold hair pin in the shape of a dragon. It was covered in white and lime green diamonds and the wings were expanded with comb clips to keep the hair in place. "I can't have my dad with me without my mom" he states looking at the girls through the mirror. "Now it's perfect! Let's get going!" Izuku says walking out of his closet.


I really hope I gave enough detail so you guys could actually envision the way Izuku looks for this visit.  Anywaaaaay! Bakugou makes it to the villa next chapter. Keep reading!

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