Chapter 17: Time to Meet!

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Katsuki walks down the hall to the stairs. Looking down he sees Kirishima and Aizawa talking at the bottom. "I don't pay you morons to gossip!" he exclaims. They look up to see their head adjusting his watch as he walks down the stairs.

"We were discussing the plan for when the MidoriDragons get here" Aizawa stated "You look dressed to impress" he comments. "I always do! Besides, just because were contracted to be mates doesnt mean that omega shouldn't know who the top boss is!" Katsuki says with a smug grin that screams 'cocky'. "Yeah... Well.." Kirishima glances down at his watch. "They should be here soon, shall we head to the office?" he asks. Katsuki grunts "I guess so." The duo head to the office, leaving Aziawa at the door.

*Heading to BK Mansion

"Izu, did you really have to wear such a short skirt?" Shoto asks, looking everywhere else other than Izuku's very exposed legs. "I think he looks absolutely STUNNING!" Momo exclaims. "Thank you Momo, you're just awkward because you don't know fashion!" Izuku says, lighting his cigarette. "I thought you were quitting?" asked Shoto. "I am, but today is going to be a stressful day. May as well get one in before the shit storm we're about to walk into..." Izuku responds.

"Chako really went all out with the outfit for today, huh Zu?" Momo peeked back. "She knows me so well! I told her to give me Boss, and she came out with Boss Bitch! I will never let that girl go. You'd have to kill me and even than, I'd take her with me to the afterlife!" Izuku chuckles. "I couldn't agree with you more! I guess I'll have to get her to start dressing me from now on!" Momo says while her and Izuku laugh.

"We're here, are you guys ready?" Shoto asks, pulling into the driveway of the mansion. "More than ready, I'm gonna show Katsuki Bakugou whose really going to be running things" Izuku smirks.

Aizawa checks the time. 10:45am. Waiting outside he sees a sleek black SUV pull in with blacked out tinted windows. Shoto hops out of the driver's seat and Momo out of the passenger seat. Shoto walks to the back passenger seat behind the driver and opens the door. Holding out his hand, he escorts Izuku out of the car. Walking up, jackets blowing in the wind flashing the MidoriDragons crest.

The Dragons have arrived at BK Mansion.

"Aizawa, pleasure to see you again" Izuku expresses, shaking his hand. "Glad you all made it here without getting lost, I know this place is pretty hidden off the map" Aizawa chuckles. "Thank you for allowing me to tag along Mr. Aizawa" Momo expressed with gratefulness. "Of course, there's some things I wanted to discuss with you anyway Momo, so this gives us the time to have a chat as well after the meeting is over." Aizawa finishes. "Follow me" he says, leading them into the house.

"We'll be having the meeting in Bakugou's office. Since you were early please have a seat here in the living room and I'll be back in a moment" with that Aizawa left to notify Katsuki of the Dragons arrival.

The trio sit and wait, conversing among themselves when a pink haired omega and a blonde hair'd beta walk into the room. The 2 pause as they notice the crest of a forest green and black 4 legged dragon with wings spanned out on the back of the males jacket. Noticing the smell of another omega in the room, Izuku looks back. He sees the 2 standing there with their jaws on the floor.

"Oh! Uh.. Hello! My name is Mina Ashido!" The pink haired omega says, jumping out of her shocked state "Ah, and this is Denki Kaminari!" she finishes introducing themselves. "Hello, I am Momo Yaoyorouzu and this is Shoto Todoroki!" Momo exclaims getting up to shake their hands. Izuku stands up, Mina and Kaminari flinch. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Izuku Midoriya, I also go by Deku" he say's shaking their hands. "T-the pleasure is all o-ours.." Kamanari stutters. 

The 2 BK members share a look. Kaminari gulps,Wow! His aura is no joke! Mina glances back He's so intense but hes absolutely stunning! "Come, have a seat! Join us" Izuku requested, grabbing both members by the hands. "Since there's a plan to merge our organizations, we may as well start getting acquainted now!" Izuku said with bubbly enthusiasm. 

Aizawa comes back to the living room to grab the 3 guests so they can start the merging plans and discuss how to deal with the Shie Hassaikai. He looks up and sees the group conversing and making small talk. "What's going on here?" he asks. The group stops and looks, "Ahh, I guess it's time for me to go see the 'Big Man" Izuku claims while putting air quotes around 'Big Man'. The 2 chuckle only to be glared at by their mentor.

"Psst!" Mina hissed, nudging Kaminari. "I really like him!" 

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