Chapter 33: Unexpected Dominance

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Izuku and Katsuki sit on the couch in the office. Cuddling close, Izuku glances down at his watch. "I guess I should call my officers so we can start this meeting." he announces. Katsuki grunts getting up from the couch. He grabs the papers from the table and plops down in Izuku's chair reading over the schedule. Izuku walks over to a speaker built into his desk and presses the button. "Jiro?" he asks over the speaker. "Yes, Boss?" he gets in response. "Please call for Shoto, our guests and all of the commanders to my office for the meeting." Izuku requests. "Yes Sir!" the speaker shuts out. "That's quite the boss voice you have there." Katsuki comments, placing his hands on Izuku's waste and sitting him on his lap. Izuku hums leaning his back against Katsuki's chest "You will find out every side of me as the merger continues." Izuku says laying his head back on his mate's shoulder.

Shoto arrives and walks into Izuku's office with Shinso, Aizawa and Kirishima. Kirishima sees Izuku sitting on Katsuki's lap and can't help himself "Is this how you guys are going to sit while holding meetings in the future?" he chuckles looking at the couple. "We'll sit however we damn well please, Shitty Hair!" Katsuki barks. Kirishima laughs turning as the door opens. Uraraka and Momo walk in smiling. "Well if it isn't my beauitful alpha and rockin' bodied beta" Izuku laughs. Katsuki tenses hearing chuckles coming from the couch. Confused the 2 ladies sat in the chair across from the desk. "Good to see you again, Mr. Bakugou." Momo greets "Likewise" Katsuki nods. "Shall we head in then?" Izuku looks to the crowd. His commanders nod getting up from their seats.

Izuku walks over to a bare wall and places his hand on a panel. A key pad emerges with a camera. He types in a code and scans his emerald eyes. The wall unlocks, sinks in and opens. Izuku and his officers head into the hidden room, leaving Katsuki, Aizawa and Kirishima stunned. "They're pretty tight with security, huh?" Aizawa says walking into the room. Kirishima and Katsuki follow behind Aizawa into the room. As soon as Katsuki gets further enough from the door, it closes and seals behind him. Not expecting it, he's startled. They walk into a big room with a 'U' shaped desk with office chairs at it, facing towards the door and to the right was a huge monitor. In front of the office chairs, there were name plates and files in front of them. 

Everyone takes their seats, a few empty chairs due to the rest of the commanders still being in New York. Katsuki, Krishima and Aizawa stand there stunned at this meeting room. Before sitting down Izuku smirks and waves the 3 over. They walked to the back of the room, as they looked they noticed that in front of some of the chairs had their names.  To the right of Izuku's chair was Shoto's seat and to the left was a seat specifically for Katsuki. To Katsuki's left was a seat for Kirishima to the left of him at the top corner was Aizawa's seat. The 3 were surprised to see designated seats specifically for them. The group of Dragons smile, nodding their heads to show that the BK Dynasty members were already accepted by them. Taking their seats, Shoto takes the remote to turn on the monitor and flips a switch, turning on the microphones in front of each office chair.

"Alright, let's get Iida and the others on the line." Izuku commands, looking to Momo. The monitor flickers, connecting to the members still in New York. "Midoriya! Everyone! Great to see you!" Iida greets. "Iida, glad you could join us, is everything ready on your end?" Izuku responds. "Almost, Asui got caught up and is headed to the meeting room now." he explains. Just as hes done talking Asui walks in, taking her seat beside Iida. "Asui, good to see you" Izuku greets her as he gets comfortable. Asui nods and says her hellos to everyone over the monitor. "Alright, I guess first things first" Izuku starts. "As you can see, we have 3 new people sitting at my table that I'd like to formally introduce to everyone. This is the head of the BK Dynasty and my mate Katsuki Bakugou, to his left is his right hand, Eijiro Kirishima and to his right is Shouta Aizawa." he continues "The beautiful beta sitting over there is Ochako Uraraka. On the screen is Tenya Iida and Tsuyu Asui" Izuku finishes. Kirishima and Aizawa bow and say hello, Katsuki stays seated thinking he doesn't need to greet the officers.

"KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" Izuku's voice roars. Having not heard it in so long and not expecting Izuku to use his dominant voice, his commanders as well as Kirishima and Aizawa jump in their seats. Katsuki flinches, stunned that such a voice came from his tiny mate. He looks over at Izuku slowly. "You WILL respect my commanders and bow to greet them!" he demands. His eyes are glowing vibrant green as he bears his fangs, releasing his pheromones with a threatening scent behind them.

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