Chapter 47: 2 Hours Left.

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After the couple finish getting ready, they head outside to do a final check on where everything will be held. Since this was an organization wedding there were no chairs. Members are expected to stand as they watch their leaders join together. "Everything looks good" Katsuki says as him and Izuku walk up to Shoto and Kirishima. "You guys look good." Shoto compliments the pair. "Not as good as the actual wedding though" Kirishima whispers and chuckles.

Izuku looks at his watch, it was 4 in the afternoon. "2 more hours until show time boys" Izuku announces. He's getting excited, it had been a while since he really got to let lose. Katsuki, Shoto and Kirishima all look at Izuku once they smell his pheromones being released with excitement. Katsuki leans down to Izuku's ear "Baby.. You're releasing your pheromones" Katsuki whispers. Izuku twitches, embarrassed that he let his excitement get the best of him. "We're gonna go check in with Shinso, Sero and Mei. See you in a bit!" Izuku says walking towards the command center.

"How are things going over here?" Katsuki asks the 3 who are going over the battle field diagram. "Just peachy!" Mei responds giving the 2 a big thumbs up. They set up the gazebo to have weapons release with a button connected to Aizawa's microphone, weapons stored in each flower stand with false tops and every member will be armed down to their socks. "Strictly speaking, everything should go off smoothly with next to no casualities on our side." Sero explains. "These contacts act as thermal cameras to see if any Hassaikai men are hiding in the forest" Shinso says handing the couple a pair of clear contact lenses for them to put in before the ceremony starts. "That's pretty impressive, Tired Eyes" Katsuki says as he checks out the contacts. Izuku smiles at Shinso. "You made them quicker than I expected" he comments walking over and giving Shinso a hug "My big brained Toshi!" he says rubbing their cheeks together. Katsuki released his pheromones making the 2 quickly break apart. "Haha, so everything's pretty much set up on our end." Sero comments. "Judging from that tight hug just now, seems your armed right up, huh?" Shinso said as he nudges Izuku. "Haha, Kacchan and I both!" Izuku smiles taking his husbands hand. "Alright, were heading in just in case members of the Shie Hassakai show up early to scout" Katsuki says squeezing Izuku's hand and headed towards the villa. The couple sit in the livingroom waiting for time to pass. "Man, I thought we'd be able to do more... I feel lifeless just sitting around and not working" Izuku espresses sighing with pure boredness. "It definitely feels strange" Katsuki said taking a sip of his drink. "Whatcha drinking?" Izuku asked as he went to sit next to KAtsuki. "Whiskey... What are you drinking?" he asks cocking a brow. "Tequilla!" Izuku smiled taking a sip. Katsuki chuckles taking his and Izuku's glasses and placing them down on the table in front of them. He turns to his mate and grabs his hands, kissing them and turning Izuku's wrist up to his nose to smell his scent gland. Fear escaping his own pheromones, he lets out a breath after inhaling Izuku's scent deeply. "What ever happens, just don't go dyin' on me, baby" Katsuki mumbles only loud enough for Izuku to hear. Izuku smiles slightly pulling Katsuki's hands to his lips and kissing them gently "We'll make it out of this no matter what. I promise, neither one of us are dying here!" Izuku says kissing down Katsuki's hand and kissing Katsuki's scent gland. Shoto and Kirishima walk into the old office where the 2 were sitting wrapped in each others arms. "It's time.." Shoto announces to the couple. They look at each other, throwing their drinks back and nod. "Let's go!" Katsuki exclaims, grabbing hold of Izuku's hand and leaving the room.

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