Chapter 48: Start the Ceremony

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Izuku and Katsuki stand with Shoto and Kirishima under a canoupe they set up for the 2 to wait in. "Okay, here we go, baby. I'll see you out there" Katsuki says pecking Izuku on the lips before heading to the alter with Kirishima. Izuku and Shoto wait for their que to come out. They can hear the members and guests who have come as back up for their battle clap and cheer as Katsuki walks down the isle. A few moments later, they hear their ear pieces beep signaling them to make their way to the top of the isle. As they start walking that way, Momo connects to the ear pieces connected all the members and commanders of MidoriDynasty "The man standing in the back row on the right with the bird like mask on is the head of the Shie Hassaikai, Kai Chisaki" she explains. Even though they've already seen his photos prior to the ceremony starting, it was Momo confirming that he had indeed arrived at the ceremony.

Izuku and Shoto make it to the top of the isle and music starts to play to signal everyone to turn towards the 'bride' as he walked towards the alter. They had a rehersal days before to make sure everyone knew where their mark was so everyone was well prepared to follow the script. If everything went according to how they planned, once Aizawa asks if anyone objects Kai Chisaki should make his move. Izuku smiles as he walks towards his mate nodding his head as he walks past the members that were cheering and clapping for the couple. He makes it to the alter and Shoto once again passes Izuku's hand to Katsuki and bows as he takes his place next to Izuku. Katsuki smiles at his 2nd time bride and the 2 stand face to face to take their vows.

Aizawa starts the ceremony, blessing the couple before their commanders, members and friends that have gathered to congradulate them on their nuptuials. Aizawa spoke about their parents and how proud they would be that the 2 found each other and fell in love. Than came the time, Aizawa looked to the crowed "Does anyone object to these 2 joing hands in front of God and the people gathered around here today?" He asks, waiting for a response. Everyone was silent, even the head of the Hassaikai kept his mouth shut. The group at the altar weren't expecting silence but continued on like they planned just in case the first plan failed. "Okay, the couple have decided to officially going their organizations together with this contract before saying their vows" Aizawa started, "Merging the groups together officially, they decided to leave command of the new organization to Shoto Todoroki and Eijiro Kirishima, should anything happen to the 2 of them in the future and there is no heir!" Aizawa announces and the crowd claps. As the couple go to grab their pens and sign the paper and hand the pens to their right hands.


Shots were fired from the forest hitting Shoto and Kirishima both in the chest. The 2 hit the floor, lifeless. Katsuki and Izuku's eyes widen as they watched their friends drop to the floor. Before they could even process what happened *BANG! BANG!* Izuku drops to the floor, Katsuki quickly following behind him. All of the members draw their weapons and point towards the forest. "Oh no. What a terrible accident" was voiced from the back. Members turned to face the head of the Shie Hassaikai whose slowly strutting up to the alter to get his hands on the document both Izuku and Katsuki signed giving the organitaion over should anything happened. Shoto and Kirishima hadn't signed yet so Kai Chisaki could sign it and take the group for himself. 

Just as he reached the altar, the Shie Hassaikai members came pouring out of the forest surrounding the members of MidoriDynasty. "Seeing as how your joint heads are now dead and no one owns you anymore, I'll be signing this paper. If you oppose, you die. It's that simple" Chissaki says, cackling as he grabs the paper from the table. He looked at the paper that read 'Turn around, Bastard!'  his eyes widen as he turns and sees the 4 he thought were killed getting up pointing weapons on him. The MidoriDynasty members face the Shie Hassaikai members waiting for their leaders commands. "Did you really think you could out smart us?" Katsuki asked ripping off his suit, Izuku, Shoto and Kirishima following him and taking theirs off as well. All 4 of them were armed down to the 'T' with weapons. "NOW!" Izuku roared and the field lit up with bullets flying around. 

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