Chapter 44: Private Wedding Pt. 3

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Everyone piled into the meeting room. They had removed the meeting table and placed chairs on each side of the room. Usually the seats are for the brides side and the grooms side but everyone sat where they wanted instead of dividing the groups. The room was mildly decorated to give it a more wedding feel. Aizawa stood in the middle of the room with Katsuki on his left and Kirishima beside him. Momo stood outside the door waiting for Shoto and Izuku to come down. When Momo came back into the room after propping the doors open, everyone stood up.

Izuku stopped and looked at the doors that were open waiting for him to walk in and releases panic pheromones. "Izu? You okay?" Shoto asked, concerned for the younger he releases calming pheromones. "I just need a second..." Izuku said catching his breath. "We can always run" Shoto said jokingly placing his hands on Izuku's shoulders. Izuku chuckled "I'm really getting married Sho... like right now" he whispered. Shoto looked back and saw Momo pop her head out, flashing a single finger asking for a moment she nods and goes back in. "You won't be if you dont start walking, Bakugou might come out here and drag you in if we don't hurry" Shoto whispered back in response. 'Right, just beyonde those doors is my alpha...' Izuku took a deep breath and nodded and continued walking.

Momo nodded her head to Katsuki that Izuku was coming to the doors. Placing one hand over the other in front of him he took a deep breath. He watched the doors for what felt like an eternity before Shoto came into frame. As Shoto turned to come through the doors, there he was. Katsuki's jaw clenched so tight he could swear he broke some teeth. Letting out a shake breath he tried not to shed any tears. Kirishima put his hand on Katsuki's shoulder and he shoved it off. He glanced down at the floor, took another breath and looked up. When Izuku and Katsuki's eyes met, Katsuki couldn't hold it anymore, his eyes betrayed him and let the tears fall. Izuku was the most beautiful human he's ever laid eyes on but seeing him dressed up ready to marry his angry ass made Katsuki's heart almost leap out of his throat. Izuku watched as Katsuki fought to hold back his tears, he tightened his grip on Shoto's arm trying not to cry himself and ruin the beautiful make-up Momo did. They made it down the walk way and Shoto handed Izuku's hand to Katsuki before taking his place beside Izuku. They looked out to all of their friends and commanding officers to see them staring in a daze, crying and eyes glued to Izuku. Aizawa started his speech to unite the 2 in marriage. "Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya, do you promise to carry on your parents legacy and protect the worlds you come from?" Aizawa asked "I do" the 2 said in unison. "Do you promise to stay by each other's side, in life and after death?" The 2 looked at each other and smiled "We do" they responded.

"Do either of you have anything you'd like to say?" Aizawa asked looking to the couple. "I do..." Katsuki announced. He grabbed Izuku's hands and looked at him. "Izu, even though this was all planned against our will, I am so glad that we decided to do this. Over the last couple of months of getting to know you and being with you, this marriage stemmed from our own hearts. The contract our parents created means nothing to me. I fell in love with you from the very moment you walked into my office" Katsuki started, choking back his tears. Izuku stared at Katsuki smiling and holding his own tears back. Katsuki put his head down collecting the rest of his thoughts, Izuku reached out and placed his hand on Katsuki's cheek, he continued "I can't even remember what my life was like before I ever met you" he paused "You were miserable!" Kaminari blurted out and everyone laughed, even Katsuki chuckled a little "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I was..." he sighs "What I'm trying to say is... If I ever lose you, I'll lose myself and the man you turned me into... I love you so much.." Katsuki finished staring at Izuku. He was finally crying "I love you too... So so much!" Izuku replied back. He looked at Aizawa, fidgeting. Aizawa chuckled and smiled "I now pronounce you, Husband and Husband." Izuku jumped into Katsuki's arms and they shared a deep kiss.

Aizawa signed the marriage certificate than passed it over to Shoto and Kirishima. Mei was taking photos of everything from the vows to the kiss and finally of the couple signing their marriage certificate. They were finally and officially married. Izuku noticed Katsuki staring at him deeply. He walked over and hugged his new husband "Why are you staring so intently hunny?" he asked. "You just look so beautiful I couldn't keep my eyes off you" Katsuki said as he kissed Izuku's forehead. "Uraraka did a beautiufl job" Katsuki commented as he stepped back and spun his new husband. "Too bad we can't disappear for a honeymoon" Izuku sighed grabbing hold of Katsuki to hug him again. "Once this war is over, I'll buy you your own island and we can honeymoon whenever we want" he kisses his groom. "Sounds like heaven." Izuku smiled "No, heaven is where I'm taking you tonight" Katsuki winked as he walked over to Kirishima.

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