Chapter 53: Aftermath.

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Katsuki and Kirishima finally make their way back to the clearing where the ceremony was set up. The place was in complete chaos with bodies all over of Hassaikai members as well as MidoriDynasty members. The grass was stained red due to all of the blood sprayed everywhere. They see some of the commanders standing by the alter while some couldn't be seen. Kirishima started to panic when he couldn't find spot Mina among the rest. Katsuki noticed the sour scent of panic in Kirishima and looked over "She's probably at the command center" he said walking out of the forest. Kirishima tried to relax but he was still worried about his mate and pup. "She's pregnant. We just found out a week ago.." Kirishima mumbled trying to hold back tears. Katsuki stopped, turning around and smiling at his best friend. "She's tough. Anyone who challenges her had a death wish!" Katsuki assured his friend. "Guess we're both about to become fathers" Katsuki finished nudging his best friend and smirking. Kirishima's eyes went wide "Deku too?!" He asked in excitement. "Let's go check on them at command" Katsuki said walking towards the tent.

The doctors were running around like crazy tending to the wounded. Izuku sat in a chair between Shoto and Shinso holding both of their hands. "So, we're gonna be uncles, huh?" Shinso teased, chuckling and wincing at the pain in his stomach. Izuku giggled trying to stop the tears fall from his eyes. Shoto was shot in the left side of his chest, 5cm away from his heart. Granny Chiyo has preformed emergency surgery as soon as Izuku arrived with him and he was finally in the clear. The medic tent was busy, Shinso and Izuku talked while Shoto was still in an induced coma, Mina sat next to Sero talking and keeping him company, Iida was making rounds with Kaminari doing a head count and trying to figure out who was missing. The tented opened up revealing Katsuki and Kirishima. The red head glanced over and ran as he saw Mina sitting next to Sero. He grabbed her tight and refused to let go. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked looking all over her body. "Just a few grazes and cuts but nothing life threathening!" she smiled hugging him back. "What about our pup?" he whispered looking down at her stomach. "We're both A' Okay!" she gave a thumbs up and sat the 2 of them beside Sero.

Izuku looked up and saw his husband standing at the tent entrance. He let go of Shinso and Shoto's hands and stood up to walk towards Katsuki. Once Katsuki noticed Izuku heading his way he started walking towards him. Izuku picked up the pace and started to cry, breaking out into a short sprint he jumped into Katsuki's arms and held onto him tightly. He was sobbing into his lover's neck unable to control his emotions. Katsuki wrapped one arm tightly around Izuku's waist and placed his other hand on the back of his head, cradling the crying omega close to his body. Katsuki started to shed tears too, glad that his husband and pup were safe. After Izuku disappeared to help Shoto, Katsuki's mind spiraled thinking the worst could happen to the 2 on their way to the command center. Seeing his mate in one piece finally put him at ease. "Kacchan..." Izuku whispered choking back more tears. "Hmm?" Katsuki hummed pulling away so he could place their foreheads together. "We did it..." Izuku finished as he let tears fall again. Katsuki looked at Izuku and wondered if he should tell him what him and Kirishima heard before the Hassaikai members retreated. He thought carefully for a moment and decided to wait until the rush from the battle died down.

*A few days later*

The infirmary was emptying as the days went by. Izuku and Katsuki had gone to see Granny Chiyo to check on their wounds and make sure their pup was doing alright after the intense excitement from the battle. "The baby is doing great!" Chiyo informed the soon to be parents. "I can say with certainty, this is going to be one strong kid!" she smiled at the 2. Kirishima and Mina came in for their check up as well. They asked Izuku and Katsuki to stay because they had some news they wanted to share. After making sure their own pup was doing alright, they asked the MidoriDyansty heads if they would to the honor of being their pups godparents. Izuku was ecstatic, he was so honored they asked and accepted right away on both of their behalfs. After they left Granny Chiyo's office, they went to go visit Shoto who had finally woken up from his induced coma. Izuku caught him up on everything he missed while he was asleep while Katsuki sat there watching at how happy his mate was. Unfortunately, he knew that it wasn't going to last long once he told him what happened.

The couple made their way to Katsuki's office. They sat on the couch and Izuku snuggled into his husbands arms. He glanced down and placed his hands on his stomach. Katsuki followed, placing his hand over Izuku's. "Izu..." Katsuki started hesitantly as he glanced down at his happy mate. "Hmm?" Izuku hummed in response, "I have a feeling that this war isn't over..." he continued as Izuku sat up and looked at him. Sighing, he leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees, his hands covering his face.

"When you left to take care of Icy-Hot... Kirishima and I stayed to take care of those bastards... When they started to retreat... One of them said they were 'being called' back..." Katsuki glanced at Izuku. Izuku was staring at Katsuki wide eye'd trying to process what he was telling him. "Haah, one of them said... they promise that they'll see us again soon, as they disappeared..." Katsuki finished. "Baby.. I think there was someone else pulling the strings behind the scenes all along and Kai Chasaki was just a pawn..." Katsuki expressed unsure of what even he was feeling. Izuku's eyes started glossing over "wh..what..?" he said as he finally finished processing what Katsuki told him. Izuku grabbed his stomach and started panicking.

"Izu, baby.. We will finish this, even if its the last thing we do! I won't let anything happen to you and our pup!" Katsuki declared as he grabbed his husband and held him close. "Those fuckers won't take anything from us every again!" Katsuki said as his eyes started to glow bright red.


C/N: Thank you guys so much for reading 'We Will Not Fall!' I will be releasing a new story hopefully in the next few days. As you can see, this story was actually left on a cliffhanger. Simply put, there WILL be a 2nd book. Check out my twitter @DaKodasMomma for updates and release dates for new stories. The release date for my 2nd fanfic will be posted there some time later!

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