Chapter 32: MidoriDragons Basement!

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Shoto and Aizawa greet Momo and Amajiki as they enter the intel department. "Mr. Aizawa, it's great to see you again" Momo smiles shaking his hand. "It's good to see you again as well Ms. Yaoyorozu" Aizawa shakes her hand "Momo, please!" she smiles. "So what brings you down to my department?" Momo asks putting on the coffee maker. "We're just taking a tour of the villa before we head to our meeting" Shoto explains. "I see, while you're here I suppose we should show you the real central intelligence floor. This is just our data office." She smiles looking at Shoto for the okay. Shoto nods "It would be best since we'll be working together from now on" he comments. "This isn't everything? Aizawa asks, raising his eyebrow. "Follow me, Mr. Aizawa." Momo heads towards the coffee machine, confused, Aizawa follows behind her. She pulls out a drawer to the coffee bar and a pannel on the wall drops down. Placing her hand on a scanner, a door opens revealing a hallway. Slightly shocked, Aizawa hesitates following behind Momo down this hallway, Shoto trailing behind them. She leans her face towards a camera on the wall like he saw on the elevator. Scanning her eye, the door unlocks and she pushes it open.

They walk into a huge room. "This is our Central Intelligence command centre!" Momo says, excited to show the room to Aizawa. The walls are lined with built in desks and monitors almost up to the ceiling. In the middle of the room is a huge desk. Momo walks over to the desk and hits a switch, turning on every monitor on the wall. Each monitor shows different locations. Aizawa is stunned as he sees the streets of New York on one side of the room, the streets of Japan on another side and focus in the middle are camera's posted all over the property the villa. "This is..." Aizawa trails off. "Impressive right?" Momo smiles with excitement. "The one in our New York location isn't as big as this room so it's pretty bare in here" Momo explains, placing her finger on her chin as she looks around thinking about what else to add to the room. "The MidoriDragons are something else." Aizawa smirks. "We like to be prepared" Shoto expresses, walking over to the desk standing in the middle of the command centre. Hitting a few keys, Shoto pulls up a live feed of the Special Operations floor. Aizawa and Shoto jolt as they see Kirishima and Shinso blast a micro grenade from what looks like a pistol. "That idiot..." Shoto sighs. Looking towards Aizawa "Shall we head to B6?" Shoto suggests heading out of the CI department. Momo chuckles watching the too fed up alphas leave the room.

"DUDE!" Kirishima yells "THAT WAS AMAZING!" he smiles the widest he could. "How did you make such a crazy weapon?" he asks excitedly curious. Shinso smiles "Oh man! There's way more where that came from!" *BEEP* "Shinso!" a voice calls over the room. "What's that?" Kirishima asks, looking around the room to see if anyone was there. "It's the intercom, Momo's calling from the CI Room." he glances over to the camera over the main door "What's up, Momma?" he asks. "Shoto and Aizawa are headed your way!" she says while watching the 2 from the monitor. "Also, that weapon is amazing, has Zuzu seen it yet?" she asks, proudness ilumination from her voice. "Not yet, I actually just finished it last night. That was the first test you just saw!" he says with pride. "HUH? YOU USED ME AS A TEST DUMMY!" Kirishima yells in disbelief. Shinso laughs putting the safety on and placing the newly developed weapon down on the table. "Relax, I wouldn't have let you try it if I wasn't positive that it was ready." he explains. 

In a huff Kirishima crosses his arms. Just as Momo hangs up the intercom, the doors open. Aizawa walks up to Kirishima calmer than usual. Kirishima flinches, knowing that when Aizawa is calm like this, a scolding is sure to follow.. but this time Aizawa grabs Kirishima by the ear. "Didn't I tell you to behave yourself!" he says "OW OW OW! Pops! That hurts!" Kirishima responds. "It's okay Mr. Aizawa, this room is built to rest any weapons made by our lunatic right here." Shoto explains. "Ouch, dagger right to my heart, Sho!" Shinso says, whiping pretend tears from his eyes. "Keep at it and I'll put something in your heart alright." Shoto threatens. "Better be that tenacious love of yours, baby" Shinso teases.

The 4 sit around a table in Shinso's work room talking about some new weapons he's designing for the upcoming war with the Shie Hassaikai. "These are some complex weapons. Are you sure we'll have enough time to train with them before we start this thing?" Kirishima asks, looking at Shinso. "Of course, they seem complex but I designed them to be fairly easy to use." Shinso starts "It's the bomb pellets you used earlier.. With that you just pull the trigger and shoot the micro grenade." Shinso explains. "I think you and our wepaons developers will get along tremdously." Aizawa comments. "Can't wait to meet em'!" Shinso smiles in response. "Sargent Shoto Todoroki and Commander Hitoshi Shinso!" roars across the room from the intercom. "You, the other commanding officers and our guests have been summond to Deku's office. The meeting will be starting soon!" the intercom shuts off. Looking at each other they all get up and start to leave the office. "Guess it's time to go over the plan!" Kirishima states.


Judging by Aizawa's reation, I guess the BK Mansion doesn't have quite the impressive floors as the Dragons villa. 

Let's check in on our organization heads and get this meeting started.

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