Chapter 52: WAR! Pt. 4

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Katsuki was spiraling downwards deeper into his feral state. He watched as Chisaki circled around him, taunting him over how he killed his beloved mate. "Such a shame... Guess you won't be able to join forces now, huh?" he said raising his gun towards Katsuki. The alpha was shaking, trying not to lose himself so that he didn't hurt any of his own men. He couldn't stop looking at Izuku laying on the ground. "You better hope that shot you take doesn't miss you piece of shit!" Katsuki growled gritting his teeth. "Oh don't worry Katsuki, you'll soon be joing your parents and lover in the afterlife before you know it" Chisaki chuckled aiming at the furious alpha.

Before Chisaki could pull the trigger a flash of green shot between the 2 of them. Pheromones were so strong Katsuki's eyes became dazed and he dropped to the ground. He saw movement but couldn't make out what was happening until the scent dissipated a little. His eyes focused and he realized Izuku was standing over Chissaki as he started bleeding out below him. Katsuki was trying to process what he was seeing when his body jumped up and grabbed his mate coming out of his feral state quicker then he ever had. "You're alive?!" Katsuki started tearing up holding his love so tight he was sure he was breaking him. "I promised you neither one of us were going to die today!" Izuku responded as he refused to remove his eyes from the man bleeding out beneath him.

"We won't let you take any more from us" Katsuki started, kissing the young dragon as they both took out their guns and pointed it at Chisaki's head. "Of course not!" Izuku started. "We have a pup we need to take care off" Izuku announced as he cocked his gun ready to shoot. "W-wha..t?" Katsuki's eyes widen as he grabbed Izuku's hand and turned him around. "You're pregnant?!" Katsuki said shocked at what he was even asking. "We can talk about that later!" Izuku said turning back around and taking aim again. The 2 pointed their guns and shot, sending matching bullet holes in Chisaki's head.

"Okay, lets finish off the rest so we can move forward" Izuku claimed headed towards the direction Kirishima and Shoto were in. "Are you really pregnant?" Katsuki asked as the 2 started to jog to their right hands. "I just found out this morning, I wasn't sure when to bring it up but when I saw what was happening I had to at least make sure you knew!" Izuku said making a sharp turn towards Kirishima's voice. The 2 made it just in time to help Kirishima. "Where's Sho?" Izuku asked looking around for his brother. Kirishima kept quiet and kept firing at Dabi and Twice. "Shitty Hair...?" Katsuki glanced over to Kirishima while still shooting. "20 meters north, I put a green 'X' on a huge oak tree, you can't miss it." He announced, moving closer towards Dabi. Izuku's eyes widen as he looks at Katsuki "GO! Get to him quick!" Katsuki directed Izuku, nodding to tell him they have the situation under control. Izuku ran towards Shoto. "Sho?...." He paused looking around "SHOTO?!" He yelled hoping to get a response. "Over... Here!" He heard not far from him. Izuku started running towards the voice and saw the 'X' Kirishima told him about. "Shoto! I'm here! Hang on!" Izuku said, ripping off his sleeve to put pressure on Shoto's gun shot wound.

Izuku started crying as he placed Shoto's head on his lap. He radioed into the command centre demanding them to get ready for him to bring Shoto for medical treatment. "Hang on, Sho!" Izuku started. Shoto grabbed Izuku's hand with his breath becoming faint. "You have become an amazing leader Izu..." Shoto started to trail off. Izuku kept sobbing as he tied rags around Shoto to stop the bleeding "Hang on Sho! You can't die here!" Izuku continued "My pup needs you! You need to make sure mine and Kacchan's pup grows up with love from his uncle!" Izuku leaned in grabbing Shoto and heaving him onto his shoulder. "Oh really..?" Shoto started to chuckle "I need to make sure I'm there to watch my nephew grown up than..." He saying trying to control his breathing. "That's right! If you die now I'll make sure even my pup won't forgive you for leaving him behind!" Izuku said as he triggered his feral state and started sprinting towards the command center.

Katsuki and Kirishima face off against Dabi and Twice battling without any inkling of stopping until the man in the mask jumped down from a tree. "Chasaki is dead. We are being called back to headquarters" The mask man informs the 2 commanders. "What, already? But we were just getting started!" Twice exclaimed tossing his hands down in disappointment. "Come' Twice. We'll see these 2 again, I can assure you of that" The masked man claimed walking away with his 2 fellow soldiers. "They're leaving? And what did he mean, they'll see us again soon?" Kirishima questioned aloud to himself. "We gotta stop them!" Katsuki gave chase as Kirishima followed but the 3 had already vanished into the night. "Come on, Let's get to the command center and check in on everyone.." Kirishima suggested grabbing Katsuki by the shoulder. "Shoto was in bad shape, I'm sure Deku needs you right now..." He finished heading back towards the clearing. 


Phew... What a crazy ride. Little Dragon is pregnant! What a badass doin all that fighting while carrying a pup!

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