Chapter 2: Massacre!

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This will be a rather shorter Chapter so I apologize in advance :)

6:30pm, guests have started pouring in. Guards are checking guest lists and patting people down before they enter. Katsuki and his parents walk around welcoming and thanking their guests for attending. They eventually reach the police commissioner, his wife and his daughter.

"Why hello Commissioner, thank you for coming this evening!" Mitsuki exclaims, shaking his hand.

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou. This banquet is more outstanding than last years!" The commissioner states, peeking over at Katsuki. "Congratulations son, I bet you're excited to be taking over the business!" he says, Katsuki bows "Of course, it's about time my parents get the retirement they deserve."

Katsuki and Kirishima excuse themselves to mingle amongst the guests. Nervous, Kirishima looks at Katsuki "Do you think they're really in here, watching?"

"Even if they are, do you really think they can take us down?" Katsuki responds. "Its like the hag said, we can handle ourself AND the public thats here tonight" he says, confident. "Yeah, well your parents didn't put us through years of training to loose a war" Kirishima boasts. "Exactly, so just enjoy my rise to the throne, Shitty Hair."

The evening goes on and it's almost time for the speech to congratulate Katsuki on taking over the business. Trying not to let their guard down, Kirishima and Katsuki are keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. Chatting amongst guests, "Um... Excuse me?" a woman says from behind Katsuki. He turns to see the commissioners daughter getting his attention. "Ahh the commissioners daughter, I didn't catch your name" Katsuki greeted. "Ahh I'm Camie, I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and congratulate you" she states.

Katsuki and Camie continue on with their conversation. Katsuki learns that shes an omega, shes attending UA University to become a nurse. Katsuki is enjoying his conversation with Camie until he heard the sound of the microphone.

"Thank you all so much for attending this very special banquet! Not only is it our precious son's 20th birthday but its his also his inauguration to taking over our business!" Mitsuki announced.

"This last year, Katsuki has been learning the ropes to become the best leader BK Dynasty will ever have!" Masaru exclaimed. "Katsuki, it's time. Come on up and take your throne our beloved son" Mitsuki and Masaru say in unison.

As Katsuki walks up, the guests all clap and cheer. Katsuki can't understand how these extras can cheer for a new mafia head. One on stage, his parents present him with the paperwork stating that everything they have was now officially passed down to Katsuki. All he had to do was sign the paper, accepting his promotion.

Kirishima's POV:

"I can't believe he's finally taking over" Kirishima thinks to himself as he follows his best friend up on stage. Smiling on the outside, Kirishima is still pretty on edge because of the letter they read hours earlier.

"No, don't think about it. Everything has been going smoothly tonight." He thinks so himself again.

"Katsuki, we present to you the deed to BK Dynasty" Mitsuki states, smiling proudly as she hands her son the paper. All the guests clap as Katsuki goes to sign the paper claiming everything he's worked his entire life for.



Well damn, what a wild birthday party! More to come! I have been working on this story for a while! Stay tuned!

- Morgaan

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