Chapter 16: Dressed to Impress

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*8:30am: MidoriDragons Villa:

The next morning, as with every morning, Uraraka climbes into bed with Izuku. "Deku! It's time to wake up my sweet!" she expresses while rubbing circles on the omegas back. "You must have had a hard night, even I can smell your Pheromones and I'm a beta" she chuckled. "Do you think I'm making the right call Chako?" Izuku asks, sleep in his eyes while he slowly sits up. "I think you're doing what you believe is the best call to make sure you're parents legacy continues on." she expresses, kissing his forehead and flashing a sweet smirk. "Have faith in yourself, my love!"

Izuku asks Uraraka to make sure his outfit for today screams 'BOSS'. With a chuckle, Uraraka knows exactly what look the sweet but extremely deadly omega was asking for. She heads to the closet to get busy.

Izuku finished his shower and started doing his hair and make-up. Brushing his hair and applyed product, he finally got his hair the way he wanted. For his make-up, he decided to go with his signature black smoky eye with gold eye shadow over top. He chose to go with high winged eye liner and a simple clear lip gloss that brought out his naturally pink lips. He left the bathroom and meets Uraraka in his closet. He sees the outfit she has picked out for him. With a glance and a smirk "You know me so well, baby!"

Sliding on his lace panties with thigh high black sheer stockings, he clips them to his garter. Then, he continues, slipping on his black pinstripe mini skirt, zipping up the zipper on the side, he than attaches his knife holster to his upper thigh and slides on his silk black corset, finishing his attire with his gun holster strapped over top. He checks himself in the mirror. I asked for 'BOSS' she gave me 'BOSS BITCH'  he thinks to himself with a smirk.

Uraraka brings over his accessories, he slides on his gold chain and gold choker. Gold studded earrings flashing with diamonds and the bracelet to match. Sliding on his mid-calf high combat boots and putting on his sunglasses and fixdora, theres just 1 item left. He glances behind him in the mirror to see Uraraka with his Black fitted, signature MidoriDragons trench coat. Placing it over his shoulders, coating himself in his pheromones as if it was perfume, he's officially ready to meet the head of BK Dynasty.

*10:00am: BK Mansion:

"Bakubro! Are you sure this is the right choice? I mean what if they really were the ones who killed Moms and Pops?" Kirishima expresses following behind Katsuki as he makes his way to the kitchen. "God damnit, Kirishima!" he yells. "Aizawa has been around since I was still in my dads sack! He wouldnt set this all up if he wasnt sure! And besides, you already know that Omega wont get the drop of me, there'd be a bullet in his head before he gets to take his gun out!" Katsuki glares with an evil smirk on his face. Aizawa walks into the kitchen. "You're not ready yet? They'll be here in an hour!" he scolds. "Yeah yeah, I'm going!" Katsuki says in a huff as he takes his coffee to his room.

Having already showered, he just needed to get dressed. Stripping his robe, he struts naked into his closet. Sliding on his boxers, he walks to his ridiculous amount of suits. He pulls out a pair of black fitted dress pants and a burnt orange dress shirt. He buttons up his shirt leaving the first few buttons open, un-buttoning the sleeves he rolls them up neatly and re-buttoning them so they don't slide down.

Now for the vest and shoes. Katsuki stares at his signature BK Dynasty vests. He glances to the left and smirks, Perfect! Grabbing a midnight black vest from a hanger, he drapes it onto his body, sliding his arms in the hole. The back of the vest had an orange "X" on the back and a small "X" on the front on the left side, above the chest.

He pulls out his black dress shoes with the matching crest on the back. He grabs his gold watch and chain, slipping them on before spraying on his cologne. He's ready to meet his soon to be mate.


After giving all the run down, we are not finally getting into the mix! It only took 16 chapters but here we are. Katsuki and Izuku will finally see each other face to face for the first time in almost 20 years! I hope ya'll are just as excited to read what's next as I am to get it out there for you!

**We'll be getting into the more detailed encounters from here on out. and just you wait my lovelies, SMUT will be coming soon ;)

Side Note: If you're enjoying my story so far, comment your thoughts! If you love it, please vote! If you want to see me bring your requests to life. Shoot me a message with your ideas!

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