Chapter 14: It wasn't them?

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*MidoriDragons Villa:

Izuku barely got any sleep. Waking to snuggles from Uraraka, he blinks "G'morning babe" he says rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Well morning Zuzu! Everyone will be in the meeting room an hour after breakfast" Uraraka expresses. Izuku and Uraraka did this every morning. She climbs into bed with Izuku and slowly wakes him up. Speaking calmly, she greets him and hugs him tight.

Izuku usually wakes up and heads to his bathroom while Uraraka gets his clothes for the day out and than joins him in the washroom to wash his hair and chat about the schedule for the day that Shoto prepared. As much as Izuku love Shoto and all he does, he really cherishes his quiet and calm mornings with his beautiful babe.

After breakfast, Izuku and Shoto head towards the meeting hall to prepare for the meeting. "Alright Sho, I think this is everything." Izuku speaks. "We also need to discuss the plans for when your in your heat period.." Shoto points out.

"Ahh, yeah I've been so preoccupied i forgot its coming in a couple of days" Izuku chuckles, embarrassed. Clearing his throat he welcomes his commanders in and starts his meeting.

*BK Mansion:

"SHITTY HAIR!" Katsuki yells to his right hand man. "Hey man, you called for me?" Kirishima pops his head into Katsuki's bathroom with his goofy grin. "Call all of the commanding officers for a meeting. 1 hour from now!" Katsuki demanded. "You got it Boss!" Kirishima waves, running out of the room.

"sigh, the old man and Dunce better make this meeting worth it." he says to himself as he leaves his room.

All of the commanding officers gather in the meeting room. Mina and Kirishima are flirting away, Sero and Hatsumei are discussing the new weapons they've been creating and Katsuki is going over the schedule. "Once Aizawa and Kamiari get here the meeting will start" Kirishima states. 15 minutes later, they arrive. "Mornin' boss! Mornin' my fellow commanders!" Kaminari says, chipper as always. Aziawa, with a low "Morning" walks over to the other chair beside Katsuki.

"Alright, Kaminari will be handing you all a file. They contain all the information you need about this meeting and the connection between us and the MidoriDragons" Aizawa expresses, sighing and taking a sip of his coffee. "I also have something everyone in this room needs to know." he glances over at Katsuki, who could care less about all of this. "With approval of Bakugou, I have to inform you that Bakugou will be getting married and mating with the head of the MidoriDragons and the BK Dynasty will be merging with their organization." he finishes, looking at everyone in the room.

Everyone is silent, jaws dropped. Disbelieving of what their mentor and respected long time member had just told them.

"What... Did you just say...?" Kirishima asked, in shock, rage building inside him. Enough for him to lose control and release his pheromones.

"Kirishima!" Katsuki yelled, banging his fist on the table making everyone jump.

"Kaminari, explain the information you gathered" Aizawa requested. After the meeting, Katsuki returns to his office followed by Kirishima, Aizawa and Kaminari. "I'm just saying Aizawa, that contract cant be carried out if the MidoriDragons are the ones that killed our previous heads!" Kirishima says, angry enough to make Kaminari stiffen in his seat.

"Shitty Hair! Calm the fuck down!" Katsuki demands. "There's 1 more thing we need to discuss between the 4 of us before telling the rest of the commanders" Katsuki explains.

Kirishima halts, sighing he takes a seat across from Katsuki's desk. Aizawa moves from in front of the office door and moves behind Katsuki, leaning against the window. "During the infamous reign of Mistress Bakugou and Inko Midoriya, there was 1 other powerful organization fighting with them over power of Japan, the Shie Hassaikai." Aizawa explains. "3 years before the assassination of our previous heads, that organization vanished. No word of disbandment or being taken over, they simply just disappeared" Aizawa finishes.

Kirishima twists his face, confused as to what that has to do with the merger. He asks "So what does that mean?" with a sigh, Kaminari chimes in. "Aizawa and I spent the entire going through the original photos and letter from the night of the assassination." he starts, "Aizawa noticed something that we didnt see before. In one of the photos theres a small window. Though it was extremely dirty, Aizawa saw a figure. We blew it up and cleaned the image and it showed the nephew of the previous head of the Hissakai." Kaminari finishes explaining.

Kirishima looks to Katsuki. "The MidoriDragons and the BK Dynasty were pinned against each other in hopes that the members can be forced into being taken in by their organization" Katsuki starts. "On both 20th birthdays, the age both myself and the Dragons head are to take over our organizations, both families were to be assassinated." he continues "They failed to make sure the next heir's were dead, so they planned to have us start a war between our clans and wipe each other out so that they can take over both Japan and America." Katsuki finishes explaining and the room falls silent.

"So... What's the plan Bakugou?" Aizawa asks waiting for his next set of orders.

Katsuki scoffs, a smug smirk growing on his face"Get everything ready and invite the MidoriDragons to the mansion. It's time to meet my mate once again."


What a twist! Stay tuned for what happens next! I promise I will try not to disappoint! ;)

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