Chapter 36: 100 Trainees

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Hey everyone! I'm finally back from my break. I mentioned before that I was hoping to at least up to the ceremony finished, lucky for you guys, I actually finished 'We Will Not Fall'!

I have started a Fantasy Omegaverse AU for BakuDeku so keep your eyes peeled for the release!

Alright, I won't take up any more of your time. Lets get back to our story!


Time starts to fly by as Izuku is taking Katsuki around the many basement levels. Saving 2 floors for last. They make their way to the central intelligence floor. "Momma! I'm here to show Kacchan the room!" Izuku announces. "Ahh hey baby, go ahead, were just putting together the plans for the article. "Haha! Hey Boss!" Kaminari waves excitedly through the monitor. "DUNCE! You better not be causing problems!" Katsuki threatens "Of course not, Kaminari has been very helpful!" Momo tells the leader. "More like sitting there flirting with Jiro..." Amajiki mumbles. Izuku laughs and walks over to the coffee machine. Doing the same that Momo did earlier, he opens the drawer to the coffee stand. Scanning his thumb and eye once more the door opens. "What's this? More hidden rooms?" Katsuki asks following Izuku down the short and dimly lit hallway to another door with just an eye scanner. Katsuki's jaw nearly hits the floor as he sees the massive command center. "Deku... What the fuck...?" Katsuki stares. "What's wrong?" Izuku questions as he walks to the main control desk in the centre of the room. He turns on the main power button causing all of the monitors on the walls to flicker on and show servelliance feed from all over. "What's wrong? Are you a Mod Head or do you just run the CIA?" Katsuki says seriously as he looks at all the monitors. "Well, I do have men inside the CIA that do work for me!" Izuku explains smiling brightly.

"Are you serious?" Katsuki stares at Izuku like a deer caught in headlights. "I told you Kacchan, The MidoriDragons organization has many hidden secrets and confidential informants under payroll." the younger explains. "Everything I have will also be yours once we officially marry. Meaning eventually, you'll have men inside the CIA and many other places." Izuku tells Katsuki. *Bang Bang Bang* *BOOM* shots and explosions are heard coming from one of the monitors, Izuku glances over to see Shinso, Uraraka and Kirishima testing out new weapons down on B6. "Look at Shitty Hair... He's all over the place" Katsuki says scoffing back a chuckle. "Haha, well since you've now seen out Intel Department in its entirety, why do we go pay those 3 a visit and try out some weapons ourselves? You know, show them why we're the leaders" Izuku suggests with a slightly evil grin. Katsuki shivers pulling a grin on his face "You're just down bad, aren't you baby?" Katsuki says grabbing Izuku from behind his thighs, picking him up. Izuku holds onto Katsuki's neck and wraps his legs around waist, kissing him deeply. "Let's go show em' whose Boss, alpha" Izuku whispers Katsuki's ear. Katsuki lets out a low growl "If you keep calling me 'alpha' you'll be in big trouble" he says as he trails his tongue along Izuku's neck. "Let's go baby" Katsuki says putting Izuku down and spanking his plump ass.

"Leaving already?" Momo asks. "We still have to visit level 6" Izuku says with a smirk. "Oh boy, just don't hurt them too badly... Midnight won't be too happy with you. She's still tending to the members you just trained a week ago" Momo says shaking her head. "Izu, try and hold back please. Given the circumstances, we can't afford any members to be severely hurt" Shoto warns the little dragon. "I can't make any promises but I will do my best!" he says grabbing Katsuki's hand and rushing to the elevator. "Why did you let them talk to you like that?" Katsuki asked, confused on why the leader was being scolded by his subordinates. "Haah... I sent a bunch of trainees to the infirmary ward about a week and a half ago and they still need more time to recover.." Izuku said shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck. Katsuki looked down at Izuku "How many?" he asked. 'Basement Level 6. Doors Opening' the elevator announces. Izuku's eyelids drop a little "100" he says as he walks out of the elevator leaving Katsuki standing there.

 One...Hundred...? By himself...? Katsuki's mind wanders. 'Door's Closing' the elevator announces snapping him out of his thoughts. He rushes out before the doors close on him."Hey everyone!" Izuku says skipping over to the 3 picking out their weapons. "Hey Deku! Are you showing Mr. Bakugou around the basement levels?" Uraraka asks giving Izuku a big hug. "Yes, I saved this floor for last so we could have some fun too!" he smiles. Uraraka and Shinso flinch. What was that..? Even his commanders are scared..? Katsuki thinks to himself. "So, who wants to spar?!" Izuku asks excitedly as he removes his fathers tie and mothers hair pin walking into the combat training room. "I'll take yo-..." Shinso and Uraraka slap their hands over Kirishima's mouth to stop him from making a mistake. "What's wrong?" Kirishima asks the 2 after they move their hands. "You don't want to spar with Deku" Uraraka whispers to the red head. "Why not?" Kirishima whispers back. Katsuki was curious too so he shuffles over leaning in to listen. "He's crazy!" Shinso starts "Listen, we all love him dearly. It's just... When he's in 'training' mode... He gets too into it and ends up fighting as if he's against rival gangs." Shinso finished. "He just told me he sent a bunch of trainees to the infirmary wing before we got here" Katsuki adds to the conversation, standing straight and crossing his arms. "Well... how many's a bunch?" Kirishima asks. The group looks at Izuku getting ready for a sparring match. Simultaneously the 3 whisper louder, "100!"

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