Chapter 9: Set in Motion.

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*BK Dynasty:

Katsuki and Kirishima were discussing the shipments coming in and going out from the warehouse. Tonight they had to go and take inventory and and make sure things were running smoothly. Kirishima's phone rang "Hello?" it was Sero, he was down at the warehouse getting things started since it was his part of his division.

"Whats up man? everything okay?" Kirishima asks "Oh? yeah okay shouldn't be a problem! Later!" He ended the call and looked at Katsuki. Brow raised, Katsuki questioning what the call was about. Kirishima chuckles "Not to worry, Sero was just asking if we could bring Kaminari along so he can take a look at the system at the warehouse" he explains.

A few hours after going over everything and preparing to depart for the warehouse, Katsuki gathered his files waiting for Shitty Hair and Dunce Face to pull up with the car. He sighs "I know that I've heard the name 'Deku' before, but why can't I figure this out. If only I could remember!" Katsuki stands, waiting and thinking about the connection between the BK Dynasty and the MidoriDragons. Suddenly, 

*honk honk*

"Bakubro! I got the car out front! Ready to go when you are!" Kirishima hollered. "Yeah yeah, lets go already. Hey Dunce Face! Lets go!" Katsuki yells while getting into the car. The 3 start making their way to the warehouse. Katsuki sits in back going over the incoming shipments for tonight. "hmm..." he ponders. "Something wrong boss?" Kaminari asks. "Mmm the numbers just seem off, Ill figure it out when we get there." he responds. Katsuki puts the inventory book down next to him and watches out the window while they drive.

Deku... huh? I wonder why I cant stop thinking about it. I feel like I know someone with that name but I cant place it. Why is this bothering me so much!

"Here we are, Boss man!" Kirishima says pulling into the warehouse. Getting out of the car, Kaminari heads to the monitor room, Katsuki and Kirishima find Sero and start getting things ready for the incoming shipment.


"Alright guys, we got the location. Shinso! Is it ready?" Izuku asks a little nervous that things wont go as smoothly as they should. He was confident in the plan up until he found out the name of the person who was behind the assassination of his parents. Shinso nodded, assuring everything was ready to go for their ambush. They head out towards BK warehouse.

Everyone scatters, getting into their posted positions. Deku and Shoto stand 100 yards away from the back door where the deliveries are said to be brought in. "Alright. Is everyone in position?" Izuku radioed in over the ear piece. "All teams in position, Boss!"

"Shinso, is the cargo ready and in position?" Shoto asked over the earpiece. "All ready, I've got my eye out for when they start bringing in the shipment." Shinso reported back. "Copy that!" Izuku and Shoto respond. Izuku and Shoto sit and wait.

Watching for things to start moving along. Then, the doors open, a blond spiky haired man walks out with a book in hand, wearing a neatly hemmed 3 piece suit. The first few buttons of the shirt were undone with the sleeves rolled up to above the forearm, the crease on his pants were pristine and the vest was firm fitted, pressed tightly against his body. Izuku gulped, his Omega was screaming at him from deep inside. This man can't be Kacchan. He of course knew Kacchan would grow up handsome but Izuku was never expecting this sun kissed, beauty he's seeing right now.

"That's Bakugou, the man with red hair is his right hand Eijiro Kirishima." Shoto said to Izuku. He hummed in recognition waiting for them to finish placing the shipments inside. "Shinso, hows it going? is our package inside yet?" Shoto asked, waiting for a response. "Ask him how many are inside, Sho." Izuku asks. "Boss wants to know if you got a headcount of how many were inside?" he adds. Shinso connects to the ear piece, "I counted 4 including Katsuki Bakugou. As for our package, it's the one they just carried in, with that I'm starting the timer. It'll go off in 5 minutes." Shinso reported. "Copy that!" Shoto responded. "5 Minutes starting now Izu. Get ready" he says looking and the young omega.

"I'm as ready as I will ever be!" Izuku exclaimed, smirking. "Let's get this fucker, Sho!!"

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