Chapter 40: Settling In.

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Men from both organizations move things around the mansion placing items in rooms and in the basement. All of the commanding officers on both sides are conversing and getting to know each other. Katsuki, Kirishima, Izuku and Shoto stand in the kitchen chatting over a cup of coffee. "We'll have the meeting in the morning with everyone, today let's just get you all settled into your new rooms and get you guys use to the mansion" Katsuki suggests looking at Izuku and Shoto. "Sounds good, It's only 11am and I'm already ready for bed!" Izuku laughs. "Todoroki! I'll show you around so you can make yourself familiar with everything!" Kirishima says leading the duel haired man to the hallway "Sounds good. Shoto's fine by the way" he responds and the 2 head around the mansion. Katsuki puts his arm around Izuku "What do you want to see first?" Katsuki asks his mate as they follow behind their right hands moments later. "Mmm..." Izuku hums leaning into Katsuki's arm. "I'd really like to at least get my office set up, if that's alright with you?" he requests, looking up to Katsuki. "Right this way, my love" Katsuki says, taking Izuku to his new office.

Katsuki walks up to a door that had the MidroiDragons crest across it. Izuku looks up to the big double doors in awe. "Kacchan..." he whispers, eyes glistening holding back happy tears. Katsuki opens the door and escorts Izuku in. "We'll get you a better desk and a more comfortable chair of course, but this will be your new office." Katsuki comments turning on the light. Izuku looks around the room. There are tall bookshelves built into the room and a desk in the middle of the room. Behind the desk were floor to ceiling windows overlooking the garden and forest. Glancing around he notices a door. "Where does that door lead too?" he asks looking to Katsuki. The alpha smiles "Allow me" Katsuki says opening the door. Izuku walks in and see's Katsuki's office. He turns around and smiles. "It's the room you can come too whenever you need me or want to see me" Katsuki smiles as he comes behind Izuku. He wraps his arms around the small mans waist and kisses the crown of his head.

Izuku was finished getting his office set up and knocks at the joining door. "Kacchan? I'm finished" he announces as he opens the door. Katsuki was sitting at his desk looking at paper work. Izuku stood there in a daze as the alpha glances over to him. He's wearing glasses Izuku had never seen him wear before and it was a really sexy sight for the omega to lay eyes on. "You don't have to knock you know?" Katsuki says as he takes his glasses off, leans back in his chair and taps on his lap. Izuku waltzes over and sits on Katsuki. "I didn't know you wore glasses" Izuku comments. "Mmmm... I only wear them when I have too" Katsuki responds. "Why do you ask? They turnin' you on or somethin'?" Katsuki teases. Izuku smirks and stands up "I'd like to see our bedroom now" he says as he glances back at Katsuki and winks. Katsuki gulps and jolts up. "Follow me!" he says taking Izuku's hand.

Katsuki leads Izuku to the room. He opens the door welcoming Izuku into the bedroom. "This is our room. Go head and take a look around" Katsuki suggests as he walks over to the closet. Izuku walks around the room in awe. The room was beautiful. It had high ceilings and dark brown wooden pillars between each window. Across the room was the ensuit bathroom. It had a huge tub and a shower on the other wall, there was a door attached to the washroom that IZuku assumed was a storage closet. When he opened the door it turned out to be a personal laundry room. "Ahh, I don't like other people washing my clothes" Katsuki commented walk into the bathroom. He had changed into track pants and a tank top. "I see, Uraraka would love this than" Izuku said giggling. They walked back into the bedroom and Izuku continued to look around. He walked into the closet and saw it set up to separate their clothes. The right side was Katsuki's  and to the left was Izuku's. Smiling he left the closet and sat on the bed. "So what do you think? The room good enough?" Katsuki asked as he climbed into the bed and put his arms out. Izuku laid down and cuddled into his alpha. "Its perfect, Kacchan." he whispered nuzzling into Katsuki's neck. Katsuki grabbed Izuku by the chin and gave him a deep, passionate kiss. 

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