Chapter 15: Change of Plans?

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"Master Midoriya!" a maid comes running to his office. "What's wrong Hikari?" Izuku looke at her in shock as she stands there catching her breath. "I'm sorry... to burst in... like this without... knocking" she expresses her apologies. "It's okay hunny" Uraraka says handing her a water. "What's wrong Hikari?" Shoto asks again. "There's a man here. He says he's from BK Dynasty!!!" she yells. Shocked, the 3 stare at her.

Everyone grabs their guns and head towards the door. They see a sleepy looking middle aged man with black hair, standing at the door with his hands up. All the guards pointing their guns at him. "Well now, I never thought I'd see the day that a member of the BK Dynasty would be calling at my front door." Izuku chuckles, walking down down the stairs with Shoto and Uraraka behind him.

"My how you've grown, Izuku" The man states. Izuku halts, staring at the man. "I am Shouta Aizawa, I believe we need to have a little chat." he expressed. Izuku's eye twitches, the witness of this bullshit excuse of a contract that i refuse to accept, huh? A chat isn't needed but ill hear him out, for now.

"Weapons down boys, lets welcome our guest properly!" Izuku commands. "SIR!" the guards withdraw and head back to their posts. "Uraraka, go help out Jiro down in intel and send Momo to my office." Izuku says. "You got it babe!" with that, she's gone in a flash. "Mr. Aizawa, please follow us to Master Midoriya's office, we can speak there." Shoto exclaims.

They all take a seat at Izuku's desk. Shoto offers Aizawa a drink. "Coffee, black please" Aizawa requests. A knock at the door draws their attention. "Zuzu, you called for me?" Momo walks in. She paused, noticing the man sitting across from Izuku and Shoto. "Whose this?" she asks. Standing to shake her hand, "Shouta Aizawa, a pleasure." he says. Momo's eyes widen as she looks to her leaders.

"So, what could be so important that you waltzed you way to my front door?" Izuku questioned the man. Aizawa chuckles "Well first, I just want to say that its nice to see that you 2 grew up so well and are still as close as ever." he expresses. Izuku and Shoto look at each other and than back at Aizawa. "So you're the witness that signed the contract between the previous heads of our clan and the Bakugou clan?" Momo asked. "I am" Aizawa expresses. "After you hear what i have to say, I can promise that you will accept the contract and agree to the merger." he finishes.

Izuku's eye twitches. Nothing could be so good to make him change his mind and accept merging with his parents murderers. "Please continue.." Izuku requests, leaning back in his seat.

After Aizawa bids farewell and leaves the villa, Izuku calls for an emergency meeting with his all of his commanding officers. Momo and Jiro set up the video conference to the commanding officers that were left behind to take care of New York while they were gone. Iida connects to the feed and awaits for everyone to arrive. "Hey Iida!" Izuku greets his 1st division commander. " Hey Midoriya! Glad to see your well! How have things been since I left?" Iida asks "We miss you terribly over here, but I'm so thankful you went back to take over things for me!" Izuku expresses grateful.

After mindless chitchat, all of the commanding officers pour in the rooms on both sides. "So boss! Were all here" Asui says from the monitor.

"Right. We had a visitor here today. A member of BK Dynasty came knocking at my front door!" Izuku explains.

After about an hour, everyone was in understanding and follow the choice their beloved head made. "We'll thats all I had to discuss. Thank you all for coming and supporting me. The meeting with the BK Dynasty will be tomorrow morning at 11am." Izuku says, dismissing his commanders.

Izuku and Shoto head to the office to get things ready for their visit to BK mansion in the morning. "Izu... Are you sure about this..?" Shoto asks. "If what Aizawa says is true. The smart thing to do would be to follow what both of our parents planned and take down the Shie Hassaikai and ensure our cities are safe." he explains.

"After going through our photos and letter from the night our previous heads were assassinated, I noticed a figure I knew all too well... Back when your parents worked along side the Bakugou's, there was another powerful clan trying war with both clans." Aizawa explained. 

Izuku listened intently as Momo found out things from Aizawa that cleared up the missing pieces to the information the gathered and continued explaining the reason for the Shie Hassaikai pinning the assassinations on each organization and having them war with each other. "Bakugou would like you to attend the mansion tomorrow morning for a meeting to discuss the next steps into putting this decades long war to an end." 

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