Chapter 27: Friends

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It's been 2 days since Izuku and Shoto arrived back at the villa. Everyone was busy preparing to bring with rest of the dragons over to Japan. Within 24 hours they already had planes inbound with the technical equipment. "Amajiki! It's great to see you!" Momo jumps hugging the awkward man. "Momo..." he responds. She chuckles "How was the plane ride? Did everything make it over okay?" "Yes, Loader will be here tomorrow with the rest" Amajiki says. "Mmm... I smell one of my shy little alphas in my doorway." A voice is heard from the top of the stairs. Amajiki looks up "Deku, you're looking well" he says bowing to his leader. "Tamiki, what have I told you about bowing. It makes me feel like I'm some old man demanding respect." Izuku laughs walking down to give him a hug. "So, fill me in on the process." he asks taking Amajiki to his office with Momo following in pursuit.

Shoto joins in with the group discussing the process of moving the tech equipment. His phone begins to ring, taking it out he excuses him self and walks to the other side of the room. "Hello?" he answers. "Uh huh?" the trio at the desk continue on with their conversation, looking at the inventory list. "Of course sir, I'll let him know now" Shoto hangs up. "Everything okay Sho?" Izuku asks, raising his eyebrow. "Oh, yes everything's fine. That was Bakugou, They will be coming to visit the villa in the morning. He said Kirishima, Aizawa and himself will be here at 9am." he informs the group. "Well, guess they finally have a chance to see how we like to operate" Izuku smiles "Guess we'll have to give them a proper Dragons welcome to our home." "Well, I guess its time for us to go get everything packed away downstairs." Mom says stretching as she stands. "Amajiki, go take a nap and I'll have Jiro come and get you shortly." she says headed to the door. "Sounds good, see you later" he responds.

Izuku makes his way to his room after a very long day going over inventory and itinearies for the move. Yawning he sees Uraraka at his door. "Chako? Is everything okay?" he asks walking towards her. "Everything's peachy my love. I just missed you!" she smiles wrapping her arms around him. "Haha, I missed you too, come in!" The 2 walk into Izuku's room. "Take a shower and get ready for bed, lets snuggle up and watch a movie tonight" Uraraka says going through Izuku's closet grabbing him some comfy pajamas. "Haha, sounds like a plan, are you sleeping with me tonight?" he asks walking into the bathroom. "Only if you want me too!" "I'd never say no to you, even when we move into BK Mansion. You can sleep between Kacchan and I. He can sleep elsewhere if he doesn't like it!" Izuku says laughing while he gets undressed. "We might make him a little too jealous!" was responded from the closet, followed by laughter.

The 2 friends climb into Izuku's bed and snuggle up close. They turn on the TV and pick one of the movies they use to watch as kids. "Haha, wow this really takes me back!" Izuku expresses in pure happiness. "Things were so simple back than." he finishes. Uraraka smiles, squeezing her best friend "We can always be together Zu." she says. Pulling closer into her arms, Izuku falls asleeep. An hour or so later, Uraraka laid there watching another movie while her precious friend sleeps on her plump chest. There's a knock at Izuku's door and than it opens. Momo walks in and climbs into the bed on the opposite of the sleeping dragon. "Why wasn't I invited to the sleep over?" she asks looking at the peaceful face on her beloved Izuku. Uraraka chuckles, she lays down cuddling Izuku pulling Momo down with her. Momo looks at her 2 younger friends, smiles and cuddles in close. They fall asleep enveloped in warmth while holding Izuku.

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