Chapter 7: Plans and Information

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*BK Dynasty Mansion:

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN AMERICA?!" Katsuki yelled startling Kaminari. "HOW THE FUCK DOES A MAFIA GANG FROM AMERICA GET A HIT OUT ON MAFIA LEADERS IN JAPAN WITH NO GODDAMN TIES???" Katsuki was getting more furious the more he thought about it. "Boss! I'm telling you what I know. I mean unless Master and Mistress Bakugou had ties in America?" Katsuki paused, his parents having ties in the states? Due to his PTSD from watching his parents be assassinated, he's unfortunately experienced some memory loss.

"I wouldn't remember... FUCK!" He slammed his fist down on the desk. "Just keep digging Dunce, do whatever you can to find out who the MidoriDragons are and who their leader is!" Katsuki demanded "Yes Sir, ill analyze everything again to make sure i didn't miss anything." Kaminari expressed. "Good, I'll go through my files and see if my parents had any ties to the states, dismissed!" Kaminari bowed and left the office. Katsuki sighed, pouring himself a drink, he tries to remember things about the past that might be of use.

Midoriya Family Villa: Outskirts of Tokyo, Japan:

Finally reaching the villa, Izuku and Shoto are going over their inventory they have and supplies they may need while down in Japan. Thankfully they didn't have to do much when they got there, since his parents already owned a vacation home in Japan anyway. Shoto called Izuku over to the old kids room where they use to stay when they came on vacation. Izuku noticed a drawing in a picture frame.

Shoto noticed Izuku fixated on the frame and walked over. "Whats up Midoriya? You okay?" Shoto asked, looking at the photo and paused himself. There were 3 people in the drawing. One drawn in green crayon with the name 'Izuku' over it, the other drawn in red with white and the name 'Shoto' over it. The last drawing was in orange, a person with spiky hair and the name 'Kacchan' over it.

Shoto chuckled looking at the photo. "You really sucked a drawing" Izuku chuckled back "well, what did we expect at 5 years old.." Sighing, Izuku looked again. "I wonder what happened to him? Do you think he's still here?" he asked looking at Shoto. "Who could say? If we can remember his real name, maybe we can look him up once we're done here." Shoto put his are around Izuku and guided him out of the room.

*BK Mansion:

"KATSUKI!!! KATSUKI!!" screaming is heard from the hallway. Katsuki jolts awake, having fallen asleep at his desk while reading his files on the MidoriDragons. "WHAT DO YOU WANT SHITTY HAIR?!" he yelled back, walking towards his office door. "Hey man, Kami called. We need to get downstairs to the intel room." Kirishima exclaimed rushing the grumpy alpha to get downstairs.

Kirishima entered the intel room. "Hey man, I got Bakubro so spill, what was so urgent that we had to rush here?" he asked the bubbly but very tired beta. "Alright, so after going over everything from the original file Moms and Pops had, to the intel we grabbed the other day, everything seemed clean... actually, it was too clean" the tired beta explained. Katsuki scowled waiting for him to finish. "I contacted a good friend of mine who just went to the states 3 days ago. Turns out, he moved into the MidoriDragons domain. I had him do some digging for me on them while i examined everything i had here" Kaminari yawned, continuing on. "That said, after everything my friend and I were able to figure out, the head of the MidoriDragons goes by 'Deku' and this is their crest" Kaminari shows Kirishima and Katsuki the crest and continues on.

Deku? I feel like I've heard that name once before? I mean, it does mean 'useless' so maybe thats why? But then there is that crest. I'll admit its a beautiful shade of green... Katsuki thinks to himself. "Okay, so we got the leaders name, how are we not able to get anything else on him?" Kirishima asks looking confused. "Deku, is an alias... BUT guys, that's not even the important part" Kaminari explains. "Its a name! how is that not the most important part Dunce?" Katsuki exclaimed. "No i promise I'm not bullshitting... The MidoriDragons were never in Japan when your parents were killed Bakubro... but yet someone signed their name to the letter along with the crest stamp..." he finishes. "WHAT?" Kirishima and Katsuki yelled.


Wow! Things are getting intense between the 2 gangs. How did Kaminari meet this friend that was able to gather so much information on Izuku?

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