Chapter 22: Touch Me!

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Warning: This chapter contains SMUT in all its glory. 

Izuku woke up around 2am, buring up with a heat fever. He opens his eyes to see a mountain of blankets and pillows. He starts gathering together making his nest as comfortable as possible. Slick kept dripping down his legs and his cock was throbbing. Reaching his hand down he grabs his length. Stroking long and rough, his stomach starts to heat up.

"Haa.... Ngh.. Hngh..."

"Ahh... haah.. Its not enough.."

Ripping his pants off, he reaches around. He swirls his index finger around his entrance. Slick covering his fingers and he pushes in. "Hngh!" Izuku breathes. "A-ahh... Oh Fuck!" he cries out. Even playing with both at the same time isn't enough. "Gaah! Ngh!" "I need something bigger, deeper!" he whines. With nothing to help, he keeps going. He changes positions. Laying on his back he spreads his legs to get deeper into his entrance.

"Ahh! a-ahh! hngh ngh!" "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Izuku violently hits his sweet spot over and over again throughout the night until he passes out.

*Knock knock knock*

"Izu? You awake?" Shoto asks popping his head into the nesting room. "Yeah, I'm awake Sho." the younger responds. "How are you doing? Think you can eat something?" he asks. Izuku nods taking the tray from Shoto. The 2 sat there discussing what was happening at the villa. "So everything's going okay over there? What about all the paperwork?" Izuku asks. "Momo went home to grab you some clothes, after she drops them off, she'll head back to help Uraraka and Jiro get through it all." Shoto explains. "Ugh! the original plan went to shit cause my stupid heat had to come early!" Izuku sighs flinging his body backward into his nest. Shoto laughs "Well thankfully Bakugou was able to calm your heat down." he says. Izuku stares at the ceiling in thought. "Hey Sho. Since he's going to become my mate anyway, maybe I should just start it now. What do you think?" He asks, peeking over at Shoto. 

*Knock Knock* "M' comin in" Katsuki said as he opened the door to Izuku's room. He sees Izuku and Shoto sitting on the nest talking. "Ah Bakugou, thank you for bringing up dinner" Shoto smiled. "No worries, how are you feeling, little dragon?" Katsuki asked. Izuku giggled at the nickname. "I'm okay, but I was wondering if we could have a chat?" he asks the alpha. Shoto stood up and walked towards the joining door. Katsuki was confused. "What's going on?" he asked looking at Izuku.

The younger started shifting around in his nest. Eventually, after finding a comfortable spot, he invites the alpha into his nest. Katsuki was shocked. Being invited into an omegas nest during their heat meant 2 things. 1. The omega was ready to mate and 2. The omega feels safe with them. "Are you inviting me into your nest?" he asked. Izuku looked up and nodded. Katsuki climbed into the nest and Izuku rolled over to bury his face into Katsuki's neck. Katsuki wrapped his arms around Izuku and starting rubbing his back. "After taking some time to think about everything. Since we're going to be mated anyway, I was wondering if you would want to just start now?" Izuku asked with his face still buried in Katsuki's neck.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Katsuki asked. "Yes, I'm sure" Izuku responds. "And you're in your right mind?" Izuku laughs. He pulls away and grabs onto Katsuki's face. Leaning in, he kisses Katsuki. "Yes, I am of sound mind... Now please, I beg you, touch me... Kacchan"

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