Chapter 51: WAR! Pt.3

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Shoto and Kirishima were fighting against Dabi and another member that went by Twice. The 2 proved to be more difficult to deal with than anticipated. Kirishima was fighting as hard as he could despite worrying about his mate, Mina fighting. Mina had just found out she was pregnant and Kirishima tried to convince her to stay in the command center away and safe from the danger but to no avail. He knew Mina was tough but he was worried for his mate and pup being in the middle of the war. He shook it off, Mina was a master sniper and combat expert. Besides, she wasn't alone. Their new members and family were right beside her fighting the same fight. And he knew Kaminari was watching Mina's back like a hawk. He looked at Shoto "We need to hurry up and get back to Deku and Bakugou!" he exclaimed gaining a nod from the duel haired man in response. The 2 had been working together on moves to guarantee their success and they threw their plan into action.

Kirishima led Dabi and Twice, and as many of the members as he could father away from the clearing and deep into the forest. Shoto hid within the trees waiting for the perfect moment to use the grenade gun Shinso created. Shoto aimed and shot the the grenade at the cluster of members following behind and lined his next shot up towards Dabi and Twice. "Why, what do we have here?" a voice resonated behind Shoto and he turned with wide eyes as he saw a man wearing a mask on a tree branch behind him pointing a gun towards the duel haired alpha.


Shoto dropped from the branch he was posted on right in front of Kirishima. Shocked, Kirishima looked up and noticed the man in the mask "That was easier than I thought" the masked man chuckled in an easier tone. Kirishima dropped down to Shoto and looked for the wound. "Forget about me, just defeat them and get over to Izuku and Bakugou!" Shoto demanded looking up at Kirishima with tears in his eyes "Just promise you'll protect Izuku... Please Kiri!" Shoto cried, pleading to his fellow right hand.

Katsuki started to see red. His mate was laying there lifeless with Chissaki standing over him laughing. Katsuki released pheromones so strong, all the soldiers around him started dropping and choking on the scent. Their eyes started to pop out and they coughed up blood as they choked. He ran towards Chisaki who moved out of the way to avoid the feral alpha's grasp. Katsuki stopped as quick as he moved, looking back at Chissaki. He twitches as he looks over at his mate and sees the knife sticking out of his chest. By that point Katsuki only saw Chisaki and no one else. He headed towards the Hassaikai head with intent to kill leaking in his pheromones. "Is the big bad alpha mad I slaughtered his wife?" Chissaki laughed getting ready to fight Katsuki. Katsuki flashed his fangs, venom dripping from his mouth ready to rip Chisaki's throat out.

Kirishima nodded his head as he tapped Shoto on the shoulder. "I'll finish this and come back for you. Izu needs you so don't die before I get back" Kirishima demands as he releases his feral state. Shoto glanced over and smirked 'Even if I die here, I know Izu will be protected..' he trailed off looking at the stars above him.

'Sho! Watch this!' Izuku said smiling as he did a cartwheel proud to show his new brother. "Wow! Izu that's amazing!" Shoto smiled "It was okay. I could do better" Katsuki responded doing a back flip. "Wow Kacchan! Teach me!" Izuku exclaimed in complete amazement at Katsuki. "I'll show you something better than a stupid flip, stupid Deku!" Katsuki responded as he got into a fighting stance "Follow my moves!" he said looking at Izuku. Katsuki swept his leg under Izuku and slammed his body to the ground. "Ouch Kacchan! That hurt!" Izuku whined laying on the ground. Izuku looked up to the sky and forgot about the pain for a moment. "AHH Kacchan! Sho! Come lay with me! Look at the stars!" Izuku exclaimed smiling as big as he could. Shoto laid down next to Izuku and the 2 on the ground looked over at Katsuki. "Tch.." Katsuki clicked his tongue and laid on the other side of Izuku and the 3 looked up to the stars. "Isn't it beautiful?" Izuku said as his eyes sparkled looking to the sky. Shoto looked over and smiled noticing Katsuki was staring at Izuku the young alpha responded "So beautiful..."

Shoto stared deeply, 'Oh yeah... When we were kids... We watched the stars... We should do that again when this is all over...' Shoto thought to himself as he started to fade in and out of consciousness.

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