Chapter 6: MidoriDragons move out.

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Shoto sighed, grabbing on to the younger and hugging him close. "Whatever you need, I'm always here to help you. When your parents died, I promised you that no matter what your plan was, I would stand behind you!" Shoto reminded Izuku. Being the protective 'big brother' he released some calming pheromones. Pulling away and wiping his eyes, Izuku looked at Shoto.

He hummed and nodded. Sitting at his desk going over the intel they collected about BK Dynasty, they created a plan.

Dinner time came and went. The meeting was to begin in 20 minutes so all the commanding officers gathered in the hall awaiting their head.

Commander of Intelligence: Momo Yayorozu

1st Division: Tenya Iida

2nd Division: Ochako Uraraka

3rd Division: Tsuyu Asui

Stealth & Special Ops Commander: Hitoshi Shinso

Izuku and Shoto open the doors and walk to the head of the table. "Well, been a while since we all got together like this, I wish it was for different circumstances but this is gonna take all of us" Izuku stated, looking to his commanding officers with determination. Momo looked at Izuku and nodded. "Shoto will be giving you a file. We'll be discussing the official plan to avenge my parents!" Izuku commanded. Everyones eyes went wide, shocked that they finally had enough information to finally avenge the passed on leaders they all love and respected.

Sitting in silence, Shinso speaks. "So... Let's hear it! Tell us the plan and what you need us to do boss!" he asks. Everyone smiled, looks in their eyes telling Izuku they'll follow him until the end. Waiting for Shoto to hand out the last file, he sighs.

This is finally happening... The moment we've all been working towards. Will they really be okay with this? We're about to jump into an international war... Izuku thought to himself before taking a breath.

"Okay well, first things first. In 5 days, we'll be heading to Japan.." Izuku looked up, determination in his eyes. He continued explaining the plan and position details. Whose staying in America, whose going to Japan.

After the meeting, Shoto and Izuku went back to his office. "Okay so now its out there, everyones ready to get revenge on the bastards who took your parents" Shoto exclaimed, lighting his cigarette and placing down his tablet. "You really think my plan is gonna work Sho?" Izuku asked lighting his own cigarette. "Honestly, its the best plan I've ever heard. Everyones jobs along with your plan, Id be surprised if we failed" Shoto responded. With a sigh of relief, theres a knock at the door. "Come on in!" Izuku shouts, Shinso waltzes in, big smile with tired eyes.

Hitoshi Shinso, a Dominant Alpha like Shoto. He's the head of all underground operations. When it came to Izuku appointing his commanding officers, Shinso was the only one he could ever was as his underground worlds head.

"Hey Shinso, what can I do ya for?" Izuku asked with a soft, sweet smile. "Ive been going over the general file of the plan and I have the perfect device in mind for the BK Dynasty warehouse." With a big smile, Shinso takes a seat with his head and 2nd in command and starts to talk details.

After preparing and getting everything together for their mission, the night before they leave, all of the commanding officers gathered in the meeting hall. Going over the plan again before they leave and posts of whose going where. They established a private hide out on the outskirts of Tokyo, got the private plane loaded and ready for take off in the morning.

"Alright! I think we're as ready as we can be. 1st Division along with Iida, 2nd Division along with Uraraka, Special Ops along with Shinso, Shoto, Momo and Jiro! Get a good nights rest, we need to be in the air at 5am! We'll go over the plan again once we reach the hideout in Japan! Meeting over" Izuku commanded and everyone disbursed.

It's 8:00am. A plane carrying all the soldiers and equipment is getting ready to land at the hideout. Following behind by 2 hours, a private jet carrying MidoriDragons head along with his right hand and 5 commanding officers. Going over the plan and discussing the intel they were able to gather on BK Dynasty, they land in Tokyo.

"It's time we go and introduce ourselves! MidoriDragons! Get ready!" Izuku yelled.


Well, I guess were headed to Japan everyone! What could their first steps be in getting their revenge on BK Dynasty?

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