Chapter 10: Izuku Midoriya?

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Warning: This chapter contains implications of harm due to lethal weapons!

"Shitty Hair! Wheres my damn phone?!" Katsuki yelled. "I got it right here man! 1 sec!" Kirishima yelled back. Counting and going through each box was going smoothly, everything seemed to be adding up and matching the numbers.


"Hey! Tape Face, how many boxes were we

suppose to get tonight?" Katsuki questioned realizing something was off. "We're supposed to have 25 tonight" Sero responded "Why? is there one missing?" "Nah, we got exactly 25. I just wanted to make sure all was good." Katsuki expresses while going through the boxes.


"Alright guys, lets finish up here and head home. I got papers on my desk I gotta get through." Kirishima whines. "Why do you have the paperwork?" Kaminari asks, genuinely confused. "Im 2nd in command, Bakubro has a way bigger stack of paperwork than I do!" Kirishima teases and he continues going through the boxes.



"I swear I'm hearing something, does anyone hear a ringing noise?" Kiri questioned, looking around. "I don't hear anything?" Sero responded.

"No wait, I hear something! I'm not sure what it is though!" Kaminari stated

Katsuki stops. What? Nothing should be active in these boxes? where is that high pitched ringing coming from? its so high pitched that you can barely hear it. But the only 2 Alphas here can hear it and the others cant...? wait!


"No... no no no! ITS A BOMB! GO! RUN! NOW! Katsuki screamed at his men with his alpha voice. There was no way he was leaving every man for himself.



"Kacchan?" The last thing Katsuki whispers before losing consciousness. 

Katsuki is standing by the car, staring at the boy with forest green hair and freckles. He noticed as his mom is beckoning for him to come over and introduce himself.

"Come on brat! get your butt over here!" she hollered. He hesitated, wondering if he really should. He looked at the little green haired boy again and saw him peek past his mom to look at him. He walked over and stood behind his mom. Mitsuki stepped behind Katsuki and nudged him forward.

"Izuku, Shoto, This is my little brat, Katsuki. Katsuki Bakugou! Brat, meet Shoto Todoroki" "Hello Bakugou" the boy with half red and half white hair bowed. Katsuki scoffed and looked away. "And this is Izuku Midoriya" His mom finished. Glancing over after he heard a voice say "Hello!" Katsuki looked at the greenette "Ka-kats-ka-Kacchan!" Shocked, Katsuki got angry. "My name is Katsuki! NOT Kacchan!" Izuku grabbed Katsuki's hand and ran with him. He looked back "I can't say it! So i'll just call you Kacchan!" after he said that, he smiled so brightly that Katsuki couldnt help but blush. "Whatever, stupid Deku!" 

"KA...KI...! AKE...P!

Is someone calling out to me?

"KAT...I..! WAKE..UP!!

Who is that? I don't want to wake up yet...


Katsuki blinks, vision still a bit blurry but he can make out Kaminari, hovering over him with tears streaming down his face. "SHUT UP! My heads RINGING!" Katsuki yells. "OH THANK GOD! Hey guys! He's awake! Don't worry Bakubro, Mina's on her way with the 4th division and the old lady!" Kaminari yells.

"Tch... Fuck! What even happened?" Katsuki cusses.

And what was that crazy dream? No... not a dream, that felt more like a memory, it was too vivid to be a dream. But than... if that was a memory... than the boy with the green hair... ugh, what was his name again? Izuku? Katsuki's eyes shoot open.

"Argh!" Katsuki expressed. "Are you okay?" Mina ask, concerned that there might be more damage from the bombing. "M' fine, wheres dunce?" he asks looking around and sees him talking to the old lady. "Mina, Grab my a pen and paper, quickly!" she runs to the desk and grabs the sticky notes and a pen. "Here Bakugou, Are you sure you can write tho?" she asks. "Yeah, give this to dunce, tell him i need it rushed, asap!" he commands.

"Izuku...Midoriya...? a.k.a...Deku..? Boss... is this who did this?" she asks "Take it to Dunce, tell him to have someone look into it asap and then go be with Kirishima" Katsuki ordered. "Yes Sir" she agrees and trails off. Who is Izuku Midoriya? Could he have been the one who planted that explosive? But I've never heard Bakugou mention him before... Mina thinks to herself, handing the post-it to Kaminari. "Boss says have someone look into this as soon as possible... Which you know means now in his world" She says with a slight smile patting Kami on the back and walking over to her mate.

Something bigger has to be at play here...She thinks glancing over her shoulder to her boss, whose sitting there being tended too.

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