Chapter 38: Katsuki vs. Izuku

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Katsuki and Izuku walk to the center of the mat. "Alright, Now that we've cleared Zu's body of any weapons, let's get started!" Shinso announced from the edge of the mat. "Please try not to hurt each other, we'll be in major shit if both heads end up in the infirmary" Shinso starts "If I think things are getting out of hand I'll stop the match, understood?" he commands "Got it!" Izuku and Katsuki respond back. "Alright, 3...2..1..Start!" Shinso announces. "Come on, baby. Show your Alpha what you're made of" Katsuki taunts as Izuku and himself shuffle around the mat. "Oh Alpha, I'll make sure to put in all the work" Izuku taunts back, winking at his alpha. Hopping onto Katsuki's waist and locking his legs, Izuku flings his upper body back flipping the huge man over his body and onto the ground. Dropping his body onto katsuki's back he pulls his arm into a hold almost strong enough to rip Katsuki's arm clean off. "BREAK!" Shinso yells "First round goes to Izu!" Izuku lets go and helps Katsuki stand up. "Fuck that hurt like hell" Katsuki winces. "You okay?" Izuku asks looking at his mates shoulder. "Yeah, just give me a second" he requests rotating his shoulder around.

A couple rounds later the score grows with Izuku taking the lead. After finishing what they had to do, Shoto, Momo, Jiro, Amajiki and Aizawa join the others to watch the sparring match. Izuku and Katsuki continue their match as everyone gets comfortable. Katsuki swings his fist and Izuku drops into a split. Hopping to his feet, Izuku sweeps his leg hitting behind katsuk's knees. Once Katsuki loses his balance Izuku sweeps his other leg kicking Katsuki's feet from under him. Katsuki hits the floor, Izuku flips his body over locking Katsuki's right arm under his, twisting his hand and holding Katsuki's throat. Katsuki taps the mat. "Break! The round goes to Zuku!" Shinso announces. "That's 5 rounds, Take a break!" he continues. Izuku helps katsuki up and gives him a kiss. "This is really fun Kacchan!" Izuku smiles brightly. Katsuki huffs putting his arm around Izuku "Let's get some water" he suggests and Izuku hums in agreement.

"How's everything going?" Shoto asks Shinso. "It's going pretty well. Theyre pretty much on equal footing with combat skill" Shinso states "Are you kidding? Bakugou is getting his ass kicked" Kirishima whispers so the fiery alpha doesn't hear him. Shinso laughs, "Well yeah. But he's definitely holding his own. He's managed to make Izuku tap out twice" he tells Shoto. "And the weapons?" he glances. "6 Different knives and 1 throwing dart" Uraraka chimes in. "a throwing dart?" Shoto asks surprised. "Yep! tucked it right into his pony tail! It was pretty impressive that he could even hide it in there!" She exclaims. Shinso and Kirishima nod their heads in agreement. "Toshi!" Izuku yells from across the room. "What's up?" Shinso responds. "Can we add weights in the next half?" Izuku requested. "Its your sparring match? Why the hell are you asking me, BOSS!" Shinso responds. Izuku laughs "Aren't you running the show here?" The 2 bicker before the 2nd part of the match starts.

Katsuki places 5lb weights on his wrists and 10lbs on his ankles. Izuku places 10 lbs on his wrists and 20lbs on his ankles. "Why so much weight, baby?" Katsuki asks raising his eyebrow. "Just seems fair" Izuku responds heading back to the mat. Fair? For whom? Katsuki questions in his head watching his bubbly mate skip to the mat. "Given what time it is, they have time for maybe 2 more matches and then we'll have to stop" Shoto tells Shinso looking at his watch. "It's already 4?" Shinso was surprised at how fast time went by. "Alright guys, it's 4 o'clock so we have time for 1 more match, maybe 2 depending on how long you go for." Shinso announces to the pair on the sparring matt. "What? It's 4 already? Wasn't Loader getting in at 2?" Izuku said jumping up straight from his combat stance. "Loader's been here for a while Izu" Shoto expresses "he's in the lab unpacking" he finishes. "Ahh okay! I'll say hello before I shower and get ready for the call with Iida and Kiego!" Izuku says getting back into his stance. "Okay we're ready!" Katsuki announces. "START!" Shinso yells. By the time the many matches were finished, the pair were able to spar 3 times after their short break. They ended 8 rounds 4-4. The 2 really wanted to prove who was stronger than the other but secretly Katsuki knew he was marrying an extremely dangerous man. The fact that he was able to find that many weapons wearing next to nothing alone was proof. His combat skills were just the icing on the cake. He truly couldn't imagine Izuku using actual weapons. Once they were showered and changed back into their clothes, Loader had come in to greet Izuku and meet Katsuki. "Zuzu, it's almost 5:30" Shoto told the boss. "Okay! Let's head to the office. What are you guys heading back to the mansion now?" Izuku asked looking at Katsuki and the others. "We should, we do have to get ready for you're arrival to the mansion" Katsuki commented "Guess that private tour of your bedroom will have to wait until next time" He whispered into Izuku's ear. The little dragon blushed. "Ahem... Alright, we'll walk you out." he suggests and he quickly rushes to the elevator.

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