Chapter 29: Katsuki Arrives!

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Izuku, Momo and Uraraka make their way down to the kitchen. They find Jiro, Shinso and Shoto standing around chatting about how their mornings were. "Good Morning, my lovely dragons!" Izuku says as he walks over to the coffee machine and grabs his mug. "Good Morning Deku" Jiro replies. "Wow Boss! Had to show your new mate how you really are while taking care of business, huh?" Shinso says staring at the ever so bright Izuku. "He should know exactly what he's mated into, shouldn't he?" Izuku says laughing. All of the Dragons know that when Izuku dresses like this, he does so to push his position. Izuku notices Shoto staring at him. "Is that... Mom's hair pin and Dad's tie set?" his voice cracks as he asks. Izuku shares a small smile. "Yes, I think Uraraka did an amazing job on today's outfit, don't you think?" he asks. "I haven't seen you wear that in years... It's perfect.." Shoto claims, hugging Izuku.

A little later, Izuku's in his office, going through today's schedule. Hmm.. The first load of equipment from the garage should have headed to BK Mansion this morning. The second and last load should be leaving in about an hour. Loader should be arriving around 2pm with the rest of Special Ops and Iida should be organizing the conference call with Keigo to start around 6pm my time... There's a knock at his door, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Come on in!" he answers and places down the schedule that was in his hand. Shinso waltzes in with a grin so big he almost put Izuku's to shame. Izuku smiles back chuckling at Shinso's grin. "Oh Boss!" "Oh Toshi" the 2 laugh. "What's up, love?" Izuku asks grabbing his mug to take a sip of his coffee. "You've been holed up in here for the last 2 hours, I just wanted to come in and brighten up your day!" Shinso says plopping down down in the chair across Izuku's desk. "Has it really been 2 hours already?" He asks, shocked at how fast time has flown by. "Indeed, I did have a request though!" Shinso grins again.

"A request? My, oh my! Pray tell my dear Toshi!" Izuku teases the sleepy purple haired man. "Hahaha It's nothing crazy, I know you gave me free reign to do and order whatever I needed to create new weapons, but with the move to BK Mansion I wanted to get clearance first. I have an idea for a new weapon and I'd like you to approve the plans before I order what's needed." Shinso explains. "Haha, I appreciate you letting me know, must be a big project you're going to be working on" Izuku looks "bring me the plans tonight after my conference with Iida!" Shinso jumps up and runs over jumping onto Izuku's lap, hugging and rubbing his cheek on Izuku's. "You know I love y-" the door bursts open, startling the 2 and stopping them in their tracks.

*Outside the Villa:

Katsuki arrives at the MidoriDragons villa at 8:50am. "Master Bakugou, I'm so glad you could make it" Shoto says bowing to the leader. "Cut the master crap, Icy-Hot." Katsuki orders. "Bakugou's fine. Where's Deku?" he asks looking at the duel haired man. "Hes in his office, I can take you there." Shoto claimed. "It's fine, just tell me where to go!" Katsuki responds. "When you head inside, go to the right side of the stairs and it's at the end of the hall on the right. It has our crest and his name on the door, so you can't miss it" Shoto instructed. Katsuki grunted heading inside.

Shoto, Kirishima and Aizawa watch the fiery alpha almost run inside the villa. Kirishima laughs "Guess he really missed him" the 2 look at him and chuckle. "Shall we head in?" Shoto asked. "Lead the way my man!" Kirishima exclaims. They make their way inside and head to Izuku's office.

*Izuku's Office:

Katsuki reaches Izuku's office door. He huffs trying to hide the near sprint he did to see his omega. Icy-Hot wasn't kidding, you really can't miss the doors. He thinks to himself. He reaches for the door knob when he hears a familiar laugh. Man, I really love that laugh... "You know I love..." Katsuki's eye twitches and he pushes the door open. "Y-..." he stands there blank. What am I looking at right now? Why is there another alpha sitting on Deku's lap and cuddling him? And why the FUCK is Deku letting him?  Katsuki starts to release his pheromones in anger. 

"Kacchan? Oh my god, is it 9am already?" Izuku looks at the clock on the wall. "Boss, I think you're alpha is about to kill me" Shinso said getting off Izuku and slipping behind his office chair. "Deku..." Katsuki starts to bare his fangs. "What's going on here?" Aizawa says popping up behind Katsuki with Kirishima and Shoto in tow. Shoto notices Shinso hiding behind Izuku's chair. "Pfft..." Shoto pulls his fist to his mouth and turns his head. Katsuki looks back "Something funny here, Icy-Hot?" he asks with even more anger. "A little, but you should allow Izu to explain before you start getting all worked up, and please cool down, you're pheromones are being too much for all of us.." Shoto tells the very angry alpha in front of him. 


Well damn. What an interesting way to say hello to your mate! haha

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