Chapter 45: 2 Days and Counting

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Finally married, the newly weds are hard at work preparing for the up coming war. Aizawa busrts into Katsuki's office startling Kirishima, Shoto, Izuku and Katsuki who were sitting around the desk discussing the plans. "Old man! Who do you think you are barging into my office like that?!" Katsuki asked pissed off that his meeting was interrupted. "Spare me your shit Bakugou" Aizawa says walking over to the desk. "EXCUSE ME?" Katsuki yells. "Kacchan..." Izuku's eyes go wide as he looks at the letter Aizawa put on the desk "What?" Katsuki said looking at Izuku and than down at the paper he was staring at. One of the guards had brought the mail to Aizawa minutes prior and as he was shifting through the mail he saw the crest for the Shie Hassaikai. He ripped the letter open to read a congratulatory message along with acceptance to the ceremony. At the end of the letter, the Hassaikai added a threat designed as happy blessings.

Kirishima grabbed the letter and read it aloud. "May the happy couple sleep peacefully together, for all eternity?" he said questioning Aizawa. The tired man sighed "I had completely forgot about it until I ready that last part" he started "When both of your parents held their weddings, The Hassaikai signed their letters the same way and came to the ceremonies and attempted to assassanate everyone who accepted the couples as well as your parents" Aizawa finished. Izuku and Katsuki looked at each other and smiled "So the plan worked?" Kirishima asked. "It did" Shoto replied reading the letter. "In 2 days.. We go to war with the Shie Hassaikai!" Aizawa announced. "Kirishima, you and Shoto call everyone to the banquet hall. It's time to announce this to every member of MidoriDynasty" Izuku commanded. "Yes sir" Kirishima responded and Shoto bowed. The 2 sent out the announcement over the intercom connected top all the speakers around the mansion. "Are you ready, baby?" Katsuki asked rubbing Izuku's back. "It's almost time to avenge our parents and take back our cities!" Izuku said getting off of Katsuki's lap and taking his hand. "After you, my love" Izuku said gesturing to the door.

All of the members gathered in the hall except the ones on guard. All 8 of the commanding officers were standing at the bottom of the stairs facing the hall with their backs to the stage. Katsuki, Izuku, Kirishima and Shoto stood on stage waiting for everyone to pile in. Once all the members focused their attention to their duel leaders Izuku began to speak "Thank you all for coming on such short notice" he starts, Katsuki continues "Aizawa brought a letter into my office this morning from the Shie Hassaikai!" The room grows a little noisey "You extras better shut your mouths while were speaking!" KAtsuki huffed over the microphone. Izuku looks at his husband and shakes his head "Yes well, anyway, The Shie Hassaikai WILL be attending the ceremony just like we hoped" Izuku states "They will be attending with hopes of assanating Deku and I to prevent the merger" Katsuki continues. "In 2 Days... We go to war with the Shie Hassaikai!!" Izuku roars and every member in the room cheers. Katsuki and Izuku smile at the excitement in their members cheers "DISMISSED!" Katsuki commands and everyone heads back to their duties.

The next day, Katsuki and the commanders were finalizing the plan of attack while Izuku went to the villa with Kirishima Aizawa, Shinso some members to prepare for the bloodbath that was fastly approaching them. 'One more night... Just one more night and they can finally put our parents to rest properly' Katsuki kept thinking to himself while Shoto is showing everyone on a property map of the villa. Shoto's phone started ringing and he excused himself as he took the call. Katsuki continued on with the plan finalization making sure all of the commanders knew their jobs. Shoto came back and sat back down at the table. "Icy-Hot, you have the most important job of all" Katsuki started looking over to the duel haired man. "You will NEVER leave Deku's side during this fight. If he dies, I'll make you wish you were dead. Protect him with your life!" Katsuki demanded. "I have always been prepared to give my life for Izuku, I can promise that even when married to you, he is and always will be my only priority" Shoto said with force. "That's what I like to hear" Katsuki huffs looking at everyone else. "You've got your orders, you can leave." he dismisses everyone.

Katsuki walked over to his desk and poured himself a drink. He looked over realized Shoto was still there. "Need somethin' Icy-Hot?" He asked, taking a seat in his chair. "Ah right, that was Izu on the phone earlier" Shoto started. "He okay?" Katsuki furrows his brows taking a sip from his whiskey glass. "Yes, he was just calling to check in..." Shoto trails off "He wants you to head to the villa. He requested for everyone to come back. He will be waiting for you with Kirishima and Aizawa. Once you arrive those 2 will head back here as well" Shoto explained. "Alone time huh?" Katsuki smirks as he thought to himself. "Got it, I'll head there now." he says grabbing his coat and heading to his car.

An hour later Katsuki arrives at the villa. "Kacchan!" Izuku waves excitedly standing beside Kirishima and Aizawa. Katsuki walks over at the end of the conversation "...okay, you 2 head back. We'll see you first thing in the morning" Izuku thanks the 2 sending them on their way. Katsuki follows Izuku inside and shuts the door. "Wanted me all to yourself huh?" Katsuki says picking up Izuku and letting him wrap his legs around him. "I figured we should have some fun as newly weds since we'll be busy tomorrow, you know, killing and all!" Izuku smiles leaning in to kiss his husband. "Show me the way!" Katsuki said deepening the kiss as he heads to the stairs.

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