Chapter 35: Private Tour

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Shoto leads the group out of the room, reaching the door he types in a code and scans his eye. "Dude, this security system is crazy!" Kirishima exclaims. "Do you all have different codes for this door or is it just the 1?" Aizawa asks. Uraraka turns around "The only people have have a code to this door are IZuku and Todoroki! Without them, no one can enter or exit this room. But the rest of the security doors everyone can enter as long as you're finger prints and eyes are in the system!" she says with a big smile. "I thought you guys were close, how come only those 2 can enter the 1 room?" Kirishima asks in confusion. "That meeting room holds far more information than it leads on." Momo says with a small smile on her face.

The group heads towards the basement elevator. "Momo. Let's head to intel and conference in Kaminari so we can start organizing the wedding announcement?" Aizawa suggests. "Sounds good" she smiles back. "Wanna go check out some more weapons?" Shinso asks, looking towards Kirishima. "I'm down!" Kirishima responds excitedly. "Can I come too Tosh??" Uraraka jumps up and down. "If I said no to you, you'd have my arm ripped off and on the floor before I even blink" he responded, teasingly. "As long as you know!" she smiles.

Izuku was still sitting in his chair, he leans back and looks up towards the ceiling, "Kacchan..." he sighs. Katsuki walks over to Izuku, sitting in his chair beside him he spins Izuku to look at him. "I'm sorry for not showing respect to your officers like you did with mine..." Katsuki says apologetically. "Remember when I told you that if we did this, it would have to be an equal partnership? I really meant that, they aren't just my officers... They're the only family i really have left." Izuku tells the man. "I understand. I did tell you that it wouldn't be equal and you would end up running even me. Guess you proved that today, huh?" Katsuki says chuckling as he pulls Izuku's chair closer to him. "I haven't used that voice in a very long time, honestly speaking, I didn't even mean to use it" Izuku laughs "I guess that just makes you 10 times more scarrier" Katsuki comments. Izuku grabs Katsuki on his cheeks, staring into his alphas eyes he leans in and gives him a kiss. "Come on, we have plenty of work to do.." Izuku says.

Katsuki heads towards the door of the meeting room, trying to push the door open he realizes it won't budge. Izuku walks up behind him giggling "I have to put in the code and scan my eyes." he says, stepping in front of Katsuki. "Only Shoto and I can open this door so if you get locked in, you'll be stuck." Izuku says leaning in to scan his eyes. "Just you 2? Why?" Katsuki asks. "Only the head and right hand can enter this meeting space. Central Intellagence does do all of the data collection, organization reports and the like... But this room has every hidden secret thats been the key to success for our organization." Izuku explains. Katsuki looks at Izuku, Izuku looks back at Katsuki, realizing he's curious about what he said. "Once we're finally married, you and Kirishima will have access to this room." Izuku starts, "But, I am the only one with access to those hidden files. Not even Shoto has seen them before.. The system is designed for me specifically." He finishes his explanation. Katsuki could tell Izuku was warning him. He understood the distrust completely so he couldn't falt Izuku for being overly cautious. He smiles at Izuku "Understood sir." he says putting his arms around Izuku's neck and leaning down, pressing their foreheads together. "How about a private tour?" Izuku looks upward. "Hmm... Does this private tour include your bedroom?" Katsuki asks, teasingly. "Wouldn't be a private tour without showing you where all of this" Izuku steps back and does a slow spin "comes from." he says watching his alpha with seductive eyes. "Lead the way, Boss" Katsuki says biting his lip. Izuku laughs taking hold of Katsuki's hand. The 2 head towards the front entrance and Izuku takes Katsuki to the elevator. "First, I'll show you where all of our operations take place" He smiles scanning his thumb and eye. The elevator moves for a while "Basement level 7. Doors Opening" the elevator announces. Katsuki is fairly surprised "7 Levels?" he asks. Izuku smiles as the doors open. "This is where all the vehicles are kept." he says taking Katsuki's hand leading him into a massive garage.

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