Chapter 34: The 1st Merger Meeting.

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Katsuki was shocked. His dominant voice was powerful enough to make anyone cower but even he could admit Izuku's dominant voice was enough to make him cower. Katsuki hasn't heard a dominant voice powerful enough to have him flinch like that since his mother was alive. "I won't start this meeting until you do as I ask!" Izuku roars getting angry that he's being kept waiting. Katsuki clicks his teeth and stands, bowing he greets the rest of the Dragons. Kirishima was amazed, he's never seen his best friend follow a command from anyone before.

Not even Katsuki's parents could make him follow orders within seconds of using their 'demand' voice. Izuku was truly a force to stand off against. Once Katsuki sits back down in his chair, like someone flipped a switch his eyes stopped glowing, he retracted his fangs and stopped his pheromones. "Alrighty! Let's get this meeting started shall we?" Izuku says bubbly and smiling as bright as the sun. Aizawa leaned in towards Kirishima "Izuku truly is a terrifying man.." he whispers in Kirishima's ear. A nod in response, Kirishima peeks over at Katsuki. Aizawa looks over at Izuku, watching him get his papers out. 'I wonder how many years he trained to get his dominant voice to be that powerful...?' he thought to himself.

As the meeting started, members of the Dragons were talking about their move to Japan and what Izuku should expect over the next 48 hours. "Alright, so everything should be officially here by Thursday and the rest of the members will be coming Friday, is that right?" Izuku asks Iida. "Yes, I've also called Keigo and organized the conference for later on." Iida informs. "Perfect, I'll be in my office awaiting your call." Izuku states.

"Who is Keigo?" Katsuki asks. "Keigo runs the organization known as The Hawks" Iida starts, "They were built and formed by Midoriya to run New York directly under his command while he's away for any reasons." Iida finishes. "I see, so you'll still be running New York?" Katsuki asks looking at Izuku. "Of course, Kacchan. My family and I have ran the streets of New York for the last 18 years." Izuku starts, accidentally releasing sour pheromones "New York is my home and I won't let garbage run rampid, destroying the community we built" he finishes. The room fell silent and Shoto cleared his throat. "Ahem" he covers his mouth "Yes well, on to the next, I will be adding in the commanders at BK Mansion to the call now and Aizawa will be giving the explanation on our plans to fish the Shie Hassaikai to come out of hiding" Shoto says looking over to Aizawa.

The screen splits into 2 video calls. Kaminari fixes the camera to show all of Katsuki's commanders sitting around a meeting table. Aizawa adjusts himself in his seat, "After talking with Izuku, we've come up with a very simple plan. I'll be contacting every news outlet in Japan to arrange a front page news article announcing the marriage between Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya. I'll also be calling my contacts in the underworld to get the news out as well." Aizawa explains.

"How do we know the Shie Hassaikai are here in Japan?" Uraraka asks. "Between our intel department and the BK intel department we've confirmed they've been doing insider trades from the underworld here in Japan." Momo starts to explain. "The last known trade we know of was 3 days ago right here in Tokyo" she finishes. "Our members underground here have also confirmed there has been no notices of the Shie Hassaikai being in New York for the last few years" Iida adds to Momo's explanation.

The meeting carried on between the 2 organizations, they discussed when the wedding announcement would be released to the public and the plan for once the Hassaikai emerged. "We'll be getting married before the ceremony. The article will announce the ceremony date but the underworld will have the actual details of the ceremony in the form of an invitation" Katsuki explains. "The villa sits on 25 acres of land. In the middle of the forest far back behind the villa itself. in the middle of the forest is an opening the Midoriya family has for outdoor charity events. That is where the ceremony will be held." Izuku informs the commanders of each group. "Once the dates have all been set up we'll let everyone know when the final release date of the article is going out." Aizawa says, looking over to Izuku to let him know hes finished. 

"Alright, does anyone have any questions?" Izuku asks, scanning the room. everyone shakes their head, happy with the plan that was created. "What about you guys?" Katsuki asks, looking at his officers on the screen ahead of him. Kaminari looks back to everyone around the table, they all shake their heads "Nope, were all good over here, Boss!" Kaminari exclaims.

Izuku smiles "Alright, everyone's dismissed." The monitor turns off, disconnecting the call. Everyone around the table starts to gather their paperwork and cups from their drinks and make their way out of the meeting room. "Sho, can you let everyone out, I'd like to speak with Kacchan in private." Izuku requests. "Of course" he says bowing as he leads the group out.

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