Chapter 46: Final Preparations

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The next morning the villa was buzzing with people running all over. It was 8 in the morning and the ceremony started at 6. Katsuki and Izuku were still asleep while everyone was getting things ready. Uraraka knocked on the door and opened it. She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding when she saw that the 2 were sleeping with clothes on and not naked. She walked to the foot of the bed and slowly climbed in behind Izuku. Katsuki felt the bed moving, thinking Izuku woke up he opened his eyes to brown hair and plump breasts hanging in front of his omegas face. "Wha-.." Uraraka slapped her hand over his mouth, pulling her finger to her mouth "Shh" and she let go of his mouth.

She plopped down right in the middle of them without even batting an eye. Katsuki was amazed at how brave she was to climb into that bed with him still in there. He sat there and watched and she put her arm out and pulled Izuku's head onto it. She wrapped her other arm over him and started rubbing circles on his back. 'Is this what Icy-Hot told me about?' he thought as he continued watching. She continued rubbing circles on his back and when he started to move she kissed his forehead "Good Morning baby!" she said gently. Izuku blinked his eyes and yawned "Morning, babe" he tiredly smiled at her and snuggled in close. "You're alpha's still here behind you Zuzu" she chuckled. Izuku lifted his head and looked behind him. Grabbing Katuski's arm and pulling him in to spoon him, he sandwiches himself in between the 2. Katsuki was stunned 'ahh fuck it, this is my life now' he thought before wrapping his arm around both of them and pulling them both in tightly.

After finally waking up, showering and throwing on some track pants. Uraraka came back with their clothes for the ceremony. This time they were just regular suits the 2 would normally wear. Katsuki wore a regular pant and vest suit with the old BK Dynasty crest on the back. Izuku on the other hand, even though this wasn't a real ceremony he still had to dress up a bit more to make it more believeable. Katsuki finished getting ready and sat on the couch as he watch Uraraka dress his husband. "Did you grab my corset?" Izuku asked looking back at the bubbly beta. "Of course. I made some extra compartments to it as well" she responded handing the so called vest to him. "Compartments?" Katsuki raised his eyebrow. "Ahh, remember when I told you I had a better weapons holster I'd wear for you some time?" Izuku turned to look at Katsuki. "Yeah?" Katsuki kept his eyebrow raised "This is it" Izuku said as he swung the Corset vest over his white flowing dress shirt. Before buttoning it up so Uraraka could tighten the strings he slipped in his personal gun and the back up cartridge . Uraraka started tightening the corset as tight as Izuku liked it. The corset was black and white and looked like any other corset the only changes were the straps that led up to a built in choker and back support crossed along his back. Izuku strapped the choker around his neck and adjusted the hem along the top, pulling the fabric down into place. The top of his shirt was lose and light and sitting off his shoulders, like one of those old maiden tops from the pirate era.

After completely tying off the back of the corset Uraraka grabbed 2 cases and brought it over to Izuku. Opening one of the cases revealed the waist holster attachment. She lifted a hidden flap in the center of the corset and connected the zippers sealing them together and pulling the flap down. It crossed in the back against Izuku's ass and connected to the thigh straps. Uraraka bent down and before latching the thigh straps against Izuku's thighs she slipped on 2 more sheaths and pockets. On the left side the one sheath could hold 2 knives and on the right was a holster for a small gun and 2 pockets for more cartridges. Strapping up Izuku's thighs they opens the other case and hands Izuku 3 guns and 2 more knives. At this point Katsuki was just in a daze at how sexy it was to watch his husband turn into a mod boss before his eyes. Izuku starts placing his weapons in their holsters and Uraraka walks up snapping Katsuki out of his daze. She places 2 cases down and opens the first one.

"Your turn" She smiles handing him a custom made holster for him. She gestures to him to hold out his arms "I can do it myself, Pink Cheeks" he says reaching for the holster. "Let her do it Kacchan" Izuku says adjusting himself in the mirror. He's putting on a second pair of pants and a blazer to match. "Tch.." Katsuki clicks his teeth as he follows Uraraka's commands "What are you puttin' on?" Katsuki says as he buckles up the holster in the front. "Rip away clothes. We can't have them suspicious so our weapon holsters will be hidden under these rip away clothes." Izuku says as he sits down to put on his shoes. "Fair enough. So that sexy outfit you have on underneath is your revenge outfit?" Katsuki teases. "I have to be sexy while we kill the bastards that took our parents from us do I not?" he smiles. "There, all done!" Uraraka says jumping up from behind Katsuki after attaching his thigh holsters. She walks over and grabs the 2nd case. She hands him his personal gun and other weapons to put in his holster before handing him his 'rip away' outfit. 

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