Chapter 11: Home?

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Watching on top of the hill where Izuku and Shoto hid to waited earlier. The MidoriDragons watch as members of the BK Dynasty pull up. "They got here quicker than we expected" Shoto exclaims. "Mmm..." Izuku hums, "We almost didn't get out quick enough" he states, chuckling as he turns to return to the car.

"He's quick witted, this is gonna be a very entertaining war!" Shinso exclaims, smiling because his new type of bomb gave more impact than even he had anticipated.

"It definitely will be... Katsuki Bakugou has no idea who he's decided to proclaim war against" Izuku smiles leading his men. With a wave of his hand "Dragons! Disband!" he commands.

"Yes Sir!" the soldiers respond.

"Let's go home, grab a drink and plan the next attack" Izuku says stretching his arms, yawning as he climbs into the car.

*MidoriDragons Villa:

Entering the villa, Izuku, Shoto and Shinso are greeted by Momo and Jiro. "Welcome back baby!" Momo runs to hug Izuku. Hugging her back "We're home!" Izuku snuggles into the hug. "So? How was it? Did everything go according to plan?" Jiro asks. "It went better than we expected" Shoto responds. "You guys would have so happy seeing my new toy in action!" Shinso says, excited to tell Jiro and Momo all about it.

They all walk into the living room. Each with a glass, they tell Momo, Jiro and Uraraka about this mission at the warehouse. Shinso is excited to tell them all about how his tiny little device was powerful enough to blow up half of the warehouse. "Seriously though, that Bakugou was too quick witted. That explosion should have been enough to kill them all!" he exclaims. Humming in response, Izuku nodded his head. "It should have killed them all, but since it didn't, we get to have some more fun with them."

Jiro and Uraraka excuse themselves to finish up their recon assignment and Shinso goes to the training room to test out some new weapons. Izuku and Shoto get up to go talk about the next plan when they're stopped by Momo.

"Um...Zuzu babe, can we talk for a moment? I may have found some information while searching old files your parents had stored away." Momo explains, linking arms with Izuku. "Of course, Sho, good job today! Get some rest, we'll plan the next move tomorrow morning!" Izuku says. "See you tomorrow!" With that, Momo and Izuku head to his office.

Momo and Izuku make themselves comfortable and carry on with mindless banter, chatting about what happened at the villa while they were out on the mission and how excited Shinso was before and after the mission was done. They continued on giggling and getting comfortable. Izuku sighs, "So my love, what's up? What did you end up finding that made you need to speak with me alone?"

Izuku asks, getting up to grab his bottle of tequila off the bar. He waves the bottle offering Momo a glass, she nods, accepting. "I definitely think this conversation should involve a stiff drink." she says, glancing over at Izuku with uncertainty in her eyes. Confused, Izuku raising an eyebrow, pheromones starting to releasing in the room. 


I apologize for this being a rather short chapter. I'm trying to build the angst to keep ya'll on your toes!

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